Chapter 15

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Luce Spinnard was not fit to be a professor, has not even taken into consideration a career that would involve children or people in general. Pale blue eyes that would scare anyone that would come closer to him, a face that expressed nothing but a continuous scowl at everything around him and a personality to match his cold appearance; those were his characteristics and Luce knew he had grown tired of others being scared of him and labeling him as nothing but scum of the world.

Ever since he was a child, he had a certain attraction to the dark arts and he would exceed at absolutely anything regarding Potions and Occlumency. Above his obvious liking of everything that was dangerous and dark, there was one person that told him a while back something that he wanted to hear but not from him.

Back then, Occlumency was a subject that third year students could opt for instead of Divination, which was pretty much bullocks for everyone, even the great professor Dumbledore.

"Are you sure you want me to accompany you to this secret hideout of yours?"A younger yet still dark looking Luce Spinnard asked his classmate.

"You are the only one that can get into his head. No one is half as skilled as you in Occlumency, Luce."

That boy was a master in the art of manipulation and his perseverance was astonishing. Besides his mysterious yet elegant personality, Tom was a smooth talker and Luce could easily say he was the best of all -amazingly talented at using absolutely anything and anyone in his favor.

"You're one of the best in class, Tom. Besides, we're in different houses. Why would I help a Slytherin?"

Even back then, Luce was witty and had tremendous temerity for a fifth year student. Of course, he was renown in the Gryffindor Tower for his peculiar friendship with a certain redhead but also for his strong dislike of Slytherins.

Ravenclaw; Luce Spinnard was sorted in Ravenclaw when he entered Hogwarts and he quite liked it but felt jealous on the students that have been sorted in Gryffindor. Maybe that was why he became friends with the most talented of them all.

"Hey! Mate, I've been waiting for you for-Oh, Tom."The usually cheerful ginger mumbled, his happy smile dropping abruptly.

Vernon Peverell was his name, a boy with incredible amounts of patience and charms. The ginger with cute dimples and even cuter smile was the complete opposite of Luce in looks and personality yet Luce's brain was what saved Vernon several times in History of Magic and Potions.

Tom raised an eyebrow at the ginger before chuckling ironically.

"Now that your loyal puppy is here, I should be going. But don't forget my proposition, Luce. We both know your talents are high above anyone at Hogwarts."Tom spoke, his eyes remaining on Vernon even if he was speaking to the cold blue eyed Ravenclaw.

As soon as Tom left, Vernon sighed and placed one hand on Luce's shoulder, grasping it slightly in what was probably encouragement.

"He didn't threaten me." Luce mumbled, sensing the worry coming off Vernon.

"I know. I just feel overwhelmed whenever I look into those eyes of his. It's like I'm looking at a snake, aware that he would like to bite me but haven't found the opportunity yet."

Luce rolled his eyes before he looked down at his hand. The parchment that Tom gave to him was a secret from everyone at Hogwarts and even if he gave a negative answer, Luce was sure Tom will return and ask for a favor again.

And he did. Tom Marvolo Riddle returned on a rainy night, covered in a cloak from head to toe yet still very elegant. Luce was working in his comfortable cottage outside London when he heard the repetitive knocks in a certain rhythm. He was enjoying a book about defensive spells when he was interrupted.

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