Chapter 79

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Ophelia was writing her homework for Muggle Studies, a subject she did not want to study in the first place. But here she is, gathering information on the geography of the world and how muggles report to it. She did not enjoy it at all and found the world to be intimidatingly diverse.

"Hey, badge,"

She could feel her eyebrow twitch in annoyance.


It was just like a broken record, going on and on about the same thing. Seeing how she was bent over her parchment and looked like her hair swallowed her face, she hoped the annoying boy would get the point and leave her in peace.


"What James?!" She didn't mean to cry out but he was exasperating.

James Potter smiled goofy and indicated with his forefinger that she should join them at their table. He was sitting with Sirius and Peter, nothing new.

Knowing him to be a stubborn human being, Ophelia sighed and gave in. She was sat next to Sirius who was deep in thoughts.

"So, as we all know, the next full moon is approaching rapidly. We have to be there for our lovable and incredibly smart and perceptive Loony."

"Loony? Well, Remus has a better nickname than I do," Ophelia mumbled with a roll of her eyes.

"We don't really call you badge. That's just James, messing with you because you actually answer to him." Peter said getting a glare from the other two boys.

"Really? Then what exactly is my nickname in between yourselves?" She asked leaning a bit towards the glasses boy. "Well?"

"Anyway, it's important to start early because I don't want to be hurt or bitten. Let's meet this Friday night and find a place to prepare the potion." James said, completely ignoring Ophelia.

She scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Potter was not bothered by her attitude; he simply closed his book and walked off.

"He is super excited." Peter said seeing how Ophelia was still staring at the empty seat. "You have to understand that for him, becoming an animagus is a proof of loyalty and also talent."

"What else can you say, after all he is your friend."

"James is your friend too." Sirius interfered. "Why are you so cranky? I already told you that if you want to study legilimency, you can just go into the Room of Requirement." He added.

Indeed, a few days after the news of their new schedules, Sirius was very blunt with her. He told her about a room that appears to students that need some extra space. Of course, Ophelia didn't tell him she knew about it already, even learned some interesting curses in it. But it seemed like it was too...too much like her father.

"Who am I going to use legilimency on? Myself?" She asked feeling like sulking again.

From the moment Black smirked, she just knew he had a bad idea. And she was right because a few moments later she found herself in front of Goldstein.

"Hello Ophelia! Black, Pettigrew," he actually nodded at both boys before he moved towards the back. He was looking at books for something but Ophelia really didn't want to give the Ravenclaw fhe wrong idea.

"No." She said and left, gathering her homework on her way out the library.

By Friday, Ophelia didn't do anything for herself. She also missed Rabastan and couldn't help but have sudden memories of him that would make her smile in the most random places. Like dinner.

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