Chapter 11

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The feast was over and the halls were getting crowded by students from different houses. The classroom on the fifth floor was incredibly close to the Ravenclaw common room, which was probably the worst house to meet at the moment.

Ravenclaws could ask questions for a whole day and still have more to comment afterwards so meeting someone like Gatterby was not needed.

"You go first and I will come out afterwards. Be careful." Severus whispered before opening the door and checking for passer byes.

No one was on their hall but once they would get on the stairs, they'd meet a lot of people.

Ophelia nodded and hid her wand before adventuring out into the wild crowds.

It was incredibly easy to sneak around and get back to the Gryffindor tower. No one stopped to glance twice at her, instead they were speaking loudly about some kind of announcement that Dumbledore gave at the beginning of the Halloween feast.

When she entered the common room, a very excited Potter was moving around chaotically, swaying his hands above his head with a bright smile on his face.

"What's gotten into him?" She asked as she sneaked her way behind Remus.

"It seems there will be a Scavenger Hunt or something of that sort. It's still a long time until April, but it seems we have to find eggs that will contain different types of spells and we have to do them correctly in order to get the next hint." Remus explained, glancing every so often at Potter.

"Is that all? What will be the prize?" Ophelia asked, her interest dripping away.

"That's it. Dumbledore said that the prize is worth it but he never said what it actually is."

"Then why is Potter so happy?"

Remus chuckled, "He's been begging Professor McGonagall ever since the year begun to let him try for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He is still not allowed but he's been very persistent." Remus started, remembering just how annoyed was McGonagall every time James would complain.

"So she finally agreed?"

"No but she gave him the opportunity to practice with them once a week."

Right at that moment, Black entered the common room, his face showing an expression that he would rarely have: anger.

"Mate! Sirius, she finally let me try out! Well, she didn't really but it's still one step away from making it into the team!" Potter started to ramble as soon as his eyes fell over his friend.

"Good for you, mate."

That was all Sirius said before going into the boys' dormitory. Silence fell over the common room; only whispers from students that were studying could be heard but they were very faint.

Ophelia and Remus glanced at each other confused before they both turned to an even sour looking Potter. He rubbed the back of his head and came to sit on the desk in front of Remus.


That was the only sound that came out of Potter's mouth. It was obvious that he wanted to complain more about what happened but decided to stay silent for a while.

"What do you think happened to him?" Ophelia asked Remus, leaning a bit towards him.

However, looking up at the dark sky, Remus' interests shifted and so did his worries. It was still a bit early but he had to leave for the night.

"Sorry, I have to go." He mumbled before getting up and rushing out the portrait hole.

"Now, what is happening with everyone?" Potter asked, though it sounded more like a whine really.

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