Chapter 122

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Sirius went into the kitchen with Dobby to treat his wound while Ophelia remained with her best friend. She was on the couch and Snape was pacing in front of her, glancing at her from time to time with a side glare.

"Well? Explain yourself," he started.

"I was on the porch, thinking about life, when I saw a form coming in the distance and it proved to be Evan, a friend of yours," As soon as those words escaped Ophelia's mouth, Snape scoffed and glared at her. "And he proclaimed that he would teach me quickly how to apparate so he grabbed me and we apparated in London. He left me all alone, I wandered around for a bit, it's quite a nice and crowded city, but I never had the chance to explore it, which I guess worked since I was able to get back home."

"What? He left you all by yourself in London?"

"I'm not a kid, Sev. Besides, I remembered Sirius would be in London and searched for him and-" she stopped seeing how Snape looked livid that she searched for Black and not him. "How would you have acted then? I was afraid to apparate,"

"Well, you are here, aren't you? With Black. I would have called for a better-suited friend than Black," he replied crossing his arms in front of his chest, annoyed. But Ophelia seemed pretty happy and only chose to hear the first part of his bitter sentence.

"Right? It was a success! I'm not hurt at all," she said looking at her body once more.

"Black is, which I have to recognize, does give me some sort of satisfaction," Snape said with a quirky laugh before his face returned to a scowl. "Why did you bring him here?"

"I was afraid all by myself and he was nice enough to tag along."

Then, as he listened to Ophelia, Snape realized an important element: it was Black that apparated them, not Ophelia, so that was why he got splinched and she didn't. But then, where did he know to come? Was it possible that she unconsciously showed him? He was not going to ask, though. Having her be so confident helped in future endeavours regarding apparition.

"How will he go back to his house? And how fast can that happen? I'm tired," Snape said looking at his friend with deep halos under his eyes.

"Why are you tired?" she asked, completely changing her demeanour. It was as if she changed personalities in a split second. "Did you kill someone?"

"Why are you always asking me that? Maybe I just cooked lunch, wrote reports, or something else," he said rolling his eyes. But Ophelia didn't buy it, since she knew her father very well. "I didn't. Happy? My job is more to bring new members, spread the word, and even spy,"

"How very honourable," she said with sarcasm but Snape couldn't be bothered with that.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, more specifically in the kitchen, Dobby was carefully mending Sirius' wound. It was such a strange sight, seeing Malfoy's house elf help someone with so much joy out of his own will.

"How did Malfoy allow you to be here?" Sirius asked.

"Miss Ophelia is a very persistent witch, sir. She asked young master Malfoy and he agreed easily,"

"Does she have that much power over Lucius?"

Dobby looked up at the boy and his eyes softened and a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Miss Ophelia has power over many dark wizards, sir."

"Of course, they're all dying to get in her father's grace,"

"No, Dobby does not mean that, sir. Miss Ophelia resembles the Dark Lord but Miss doesn't use fear. Miss uses respect, that's why many wizards like her. Such as you, sir, and the youngest Lestrange."

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