Chapter 29

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Saturday afternoon, Ophelia had tutoring in the Potions classroom with Rabastan Lestrange. She had to be there in time or else she had to memorize twice as much and Rabastan was a man of his word.

Walking down the hall towards the dungeons, she stopped on the stairs, checking her pocket for the note. Spinnard gave it to her yesterday during DADA and then ignored her presence for the rest of the time. Of course, just because he seemed to be in a good mood, everyone hoped he wouldn't give a lot of homework, even none by the most optimistic. Well, he did; lots of it.

But he didn't say another word to her for the rest of the day and even avoided her sight at dinner. Spinnard was very complicated as a human being but that note just raised him to a whole new level.

Shrugging any thoughts aside, Ophelia continued her way towards the dungeons. It was when she stepped down the last stair that she noticed something in the corridor. It was a bit far for her to recognize it but with each step towards the unidentified object, the image became clearer. Ophelia stopped and looked down at the innocent looking kitten fondly.

"So I didn't dream you." She assured herself, smiling at the thought, "Aren't you a curious fellow? From the Gryffindor tower to this place, you must be good with orientation." She added, taking one step closer.

Unfortunately, when she moved so did the kitten but backwards. Ophelia took another step and the kitten's eyes narrowed as if he was ready to defend himself.

"I'm not going to hurt you. It's alright." She spoke softly, assuring the pet that she was inoffensive.

But the black kitten didn't seem to believe any word coming out her mouth. Ophelia stopped and bent so she could be closer to his level. She showed him her hands before she patted her knees for the kitten to lean on them.

It took a few more seconds but the animal complied. With big pretty eyes, the kitten placed his two front paws on her knees and stared up at her.

Ophelia smiled contently until the kitten plunged his nails in her skin. Her eyes widened but not because of the pain inflicted physically.

Images spread before her eyes, so scattered that she could hardly understand whose memories were. It was difficult to concentrate but something was pulling her in and keeping her there. Flashes of her mother's face appeared from the times she was at school and even from a few days before she died. Vernon Peverell did not appear in any image but Tom did. She swore she saw the same memory as she saw in Spinnard's mind before she felt a sudden wave of anger.

The images disappeared and she found herself in her childhood house, walking up the stairs. She held the railing, feeling her legs growing tired but continued nonetheless. The pain in her legs grew and her vision became blurry. She couldn't see anything but she heard that chilling voice, only it wasn't speaking to Lillian.

"Love is not for wizards like us, Vernon. Love makes you weak."

Ophelia closed her eyes feeling her orbs stinging. She rubbed them hoping it would cease the pain but she started tearing up.

And then it was over. She opened her eyes and saw that she was by herself in the corridor. Nothing was real but no matter how much she pinched herself, it hurt.

Ophelia continued her way to the classroom,a bit shaken and confused but willing for more occlumency lessons with Cerberus. She didn't notice the black fur ball crouched against the wall a few feet behind her. Those blue eyes watched her as he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. He could still feel his body shivering slightly. The power that pushed him out of her mind was far greater than he imagined.

From the dungeons, the kitten ran up towards a familiar gargoyle. He only meowed but the statue moved aside letting the small pet continue his journey into the headmaster's office. Dumbledore opened the door for him to enter and walked alongside to his desk.

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