Chapter 23

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Traffic in London was worse than Richard imagined. He was growing impatient with the londonese drivers.

"Calm down, we have 15 minutes to spare." Gloria whispered to her husband.

Sitting in the backseat with Willy, Ophelia couldn't help but watch the people rushing down the streets as if they were all late for supper. Now that she was aware, she could easily spot the wizards in the crowd. They had a different feel and different taste in clothing.

As a couple just passed by, Ophelia saw an elegant man wearing a top hat and leaning half of his weight on a cane. He met her eyes and smiled, his eyes tinkling with something unrecognizable. Ophelia tilted her head to the side, confused and intrigued what the reason was. The man raised his hat and nodded at her, his eyes mesmerizing her. It was him. It was the same man that showed her magic; the man that brought her to the only place she belonged.

It was Tom.

"Finally we're moving!"

Richard's annoyed voice drew her attention for a moment but that was enough for him to disappear in the crowd.

"Please, if your owl disappears again, ask your friends if they can borrow you one of theirs. Last year was horrible! If it wasn't for that kind man Spinnard we wouldn't have known anything about you." Gloria stated worriedly, her eyes begging her daughter to understand.

But something about that sentence triggered even more questions.

"What? Spinnard did?"

Gloria Molley nodded and smiled sadly at her daughter. She was ready to advise her about more things when the train honked loudly. It was time for the students to embark and there was no time for long goodbyes.

Richard helped her daughter carry her trunk on the train and quickly jumped off, unprepared for a journey with more than one wizard.

Looking for a compartment was easier than last year. She first met Frank Longbottom who was searching for his friend. Next, she saw a few Slytherins chatting loudly about dark magic and even complain that Spinnard's lessons were useless. Ophelia couldn't deny that; she's had so many lessons with him and he never let her practice magic but just memorize.

Walking further, Ophelia had the misfortune to see Potter waiting patiently for someone to open the door for him. Unfortunately, he saw her too.

"Oi, Molley! What a pleasure!"

He came right at her and grabbed her arm, pulling her along towards another compartment.

She could barely register what was happening when he pushed her inside and closed the door. Afterwards, he helped her put her trunk away and sat across her with bright brown eyes. He looked sparkly.

"You're suspicious." She admitted bluntly.

Potter grinned boyishly and shrugged.

"Is your wife not here yet?" Ophelia asked with an eyebrow raised.

It took a few minutes for Potter to understand that she was joking. The sole thought that she could do it in the first place was mind-wavering.

"Was that a joke?" He asked, leaning towards her.

Ophelia sighed heavily seeing the widening smile forming on his face. She shouldn't have been so friendly with him, not so early in the year.

"Wow Molley, you've changed. Did something good happen during summer?" He questioned, moving next to her yet still not very close since Willy's cage was in between and that owl was glaring at him.

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