Chapter 127

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The night of the Christmas Ball at Hogwarts came quicker than imagined. Nothing happened after Halloween and Ophelia did not make it to the party, which meant the bet between Ophelia and Peter was won by the boy, because she literally did not even show her face. It didn't seem like she minded, she gave him the 10 galleons as if it was nothing. But James and Sirius were very unhappy.

"Is she rich?" Peter asked at dinner feeling slightly bad now that he had the money in his pocket.

"Dunno, but her house is magical. She seems like she inherited everything from Spinnard, maybe he left her some money too," Potter explained trying to remember if his father ever told him about that. "I can't believe she didn't come...what if she doesn't come to the Christmas ball either?"

"Why are you so persistent?" Lily asked feeling like James' worries usually end with him making the whole problem worse.

"Because this is our last year. Once it ends, we will..." he didn't know what to say because James, just like the others, knew Ophelia would have no wall between her and her father anymore. "I want to see her until I get sick of her face," James said making the girls frown.

But Sirius knew exactly how his best friend felt. He couldn't help but glance at Dumbledore, hoping he could interfere. But the headmaster was busy speaking to Zabini. And then Sirius turned to look at Snape, who was laughing about something with his classmates until he felt the odd gaze. Snape looked up at Sirius and raised an eyebrow before he ignored him completely.

Ophelia was not at dinner that afternoon, she was in McGonagall's office.

"Have you finally figured out what you want to do, Molley?" McGonagall asked having high expectations from her student.

"Not quite, I'm not here for that. I was curious about something else. My mother had a cute white owl that vanished off the face of the world ever since. I was wondering if you know about it,"

McGonagall frowned, taken aback by the sudden questions. The professor couldn't help but worry that it was her father who wanted this information, but one look into Ophelia's eyes and it was obvious that the door to her mind was tightly closed.

"I haven't seen it in years. The last time was when it brought Lillian's final words. It was then that Dumbledore came to your aid," McGonagall said.

"But mom also gave the stone to her owl. Was a letter all that you received?" Ophelia asked leaning in.

"Of course. I still remember that day perfectly. I-I knew it would come to this, but I was never...prepared for it," McGonagall said, the memories zooming through her eyes. She could still see the white owl and the way he looked so sad.

Ophelia could easily read McGonagall's mind but she chose not to. She could see how the professor genuinely cared for Lillian but it wasn't as if she could change the past and magically return Lillian to life.

"Do you think, professor, that the owl might still be alive somewhere?"

"I don't know. Some owls prefer to die with their masters. But if it is alive, then he is probably in a place where Lillian felt safe," McGonagall said which gave Ophelia a strange idea.

"Tell me again, why did you drag me so early into the owlery?"

It was not even 8 in the morning and Snape woke up with a jolt after Ophelia scared him in his dream. And then he was rushed out in his pajamas and slippers.

"Search for a white owl. He should be pretty small, with big black eyes and he should look in pain," Ophelia explained, already started to search.

Snape scoffed and began looking around but there wasn't much. The owls were watching them warily as if they were there to kill one of them. An hour, it took an hour and a bit until Snape decided it was in vain and left for breakfast. Ophelia stayed back and sighed in defeat.

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