Chapter 22

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London of the year 1972 was a city that offered its inhabitants safety and elegance but there were still dark corners and alleys were one would only hope not to pass through.

The street lights never really worked on that particular street. Every man and woman would look twice over their shoulder, just in case a shadow would follow them into the night.

A man in a worn out cloak walked down that same street, assured that nothing could happen to him. That didn't mean he wasn't careful of the world around him, especially since he has lived enough and seen enough to know that the world was not safe or friendly.

His eyes were watching everything, scanning every building just in case he had to hide. A wizard walking at night through a bad neighborhood could spark a muggle's interest, especially with the way he seemed to carry something important. He didn't want to get robbed and have to use magic; he'd rather run and hide.

But no one was on the street at that hour. It was a quarter past midnight and the only form on the street besides him was his shadow, creeping along.

The street lamps were working poorly and at some point became completely dark but that was fine; he arrived at his destination.

From outside, it didn't quirk any suspicion but once he entered, the wizard asked himself if his curiosity was not a bit dangerous at times. The inside was in a poor condition with cobwebs at every corner, a thick smell of rust and mold coming from the bar. Scrunching his nose in disgust, the wizard let his eyes scan the inside as he pulled his cloak off his head.

The bartender was busy cleaning his bar, which was quite an irony since it looked like it hasn't been cleaned in a very long time. The ragged old man looked up once someone new walked inside his home and workplace and cracked a sly smile.

"Oy, enter, enter! Are ya he'e for a bit of fun? Ya'r too early." The bartender said in a strange accent.

The wizard raised an eyebrow and walked further inside yet not towards the bar but in search for someone.

"It's alright, Sage," The soft voice of Albus Dumbledore echoed through the room, "A cup of tea will be enough."

The bartender's expression immediately fell into a more respectable one and nodded. The wizard scoffed as he made his way towards the old man and sat across him.

"You never cease to surprise me with your tastes, Dumbledore." He started sarcastically, not having the need to get comfortable in such a place.

Dumbledore chuckled softly seeing how the young wizard was feeling so trapped already.

"There was a time young wizards like you would meet in here and discuss the problems that arose. Back then, it was also a hiding spot for many of our kind." Dumbledore explained but it didn't seem to impress the young wizard at all.

"Are you giving me a lecture? I know my history. Why are we meeting in the first place?"

Dumbledore's whole behavior seemed to have fallen into seriousness and even his usual joyful blue eyes darkened.

"There are terrible times coming, Luce, terrible indeed. I need your help in order to avoid it happening."

Luce Spinnard was a smart man but he hoped he wouldn't have to speak about that again.

"What makes you so sure that something terrible will indeed come? What do you know, Dumbledore?" The blue eyed wizard asked suspiciously.

But the headmaster didn't seem to register his question because he had something far more important to discuss at the moment.

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