Chapter 43

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Tuesday begun with a lot of moaning from Gryffindors. They had Double Potions, Occlumency, Lunch, DADA and Care of Magical Creatures. Besides, everyone who signed up for the student council had a meeting right after dinner. Now, wondering who wanted to be in the student council, it wasn't a surprise that Lily and Cissney chose it.

"It's like fighting for the needs and desires of the students of Hogwarts. I find it very useful." Lily explained at breakfast when asked.

"I am quite good at interacting with people and have a lot of information up here, about everyone." Cissney explained when she was asked, pointing at her head. "I know every single thing that happens in Hogwarts." She added, boasting abut her social influence.

Ophelia hid her chuckle behind the mug of tea, but Potter scoffed loudly, making Cissney glare at him.

Right after breakfast, Ophelia took her time when walking out of the Hall, having no desire to arrive in the classroom earlier than needed. She was thinking about a lot of things, most of them regarding August and her short time in the Lestrange household. Yeah, she figured out where Tom took her and she was not excited to go back there soon. Passing the Slytherin table, she took a glimpse at Rodolphus and shivered when she saw him laugh.

"I'm not so sure I want to follow you into the basement," Ophelia murmured, having Rodolphus drag her down a set of stairs. It was growing dark and cold and she was sure that place was not at all the same as Spinnard's basement.

"Shut up and enter." He ordered her coldly, making her swallow nervously.

The seventh year student walked for a few minutes before he arrived in front of a door. The sight Ophelia met was bloody: there were cells on one side of the wall, with actual being inside, while the other had only one locked room.

"What's in there?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing. But if you don't do as I say, you'll end up like that house elf," he said, pointing at a cell.

Ophelia frowned and walked closer to the bars, wrapping her hands around them so she could lean on them to see better. Inside, in the darkness, was a small creature that had blood dripping from the side of his head, eyes sore from crying and half of his body was burnt. He was dressed in a worn out cloth, not even covering his entire body. The creature looked up at her with its wide blue eyes and whimpered, the pain showing into his eyes. His hands were free but his legs were chained.

"This is barbaric," Ophelia whispered, not believing what she was seeing.

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" The older boy scoffed before he turned to the house elf, "Why are you in there, Dilys?" Rodolphus asked, his voice resonating on the walls.

Poor Dilys could barely open his mouth to speak but Ophelia did catch the elf's murmur.

"Dilys has cleaned the sheets inside master Rodolphus' room with an ill scented soap. Dilys tried to make the scent go away, knowing master doesn't like lavender but-" the elf had to take a breath of air before he added, "It was Dilys' mistake. Dilys is sorry."

Ophelia's eyes were tearing up at the way that small being was speaking. Those blue eyes of his teared up and he couldn't even wipe them off. He couldn't really move from what she could see.

"There, the reason why he's in here. That's what happens when you don't do your job right. You better take notes, Molley." Rodolphus explained, his eyes narrowing at the elf before moving forward. "Come already if you don't want to look the same!" He screamed, Dilys' eyes widening at the girl that seemed to empathize with his pain.

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