Chapter 108

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After Ophelia just told Lucius Malfoy that she missed him, she just didn't really know how to continue. She had many questions but she was worried that someone could eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Are you alright? I heard the number of students who have returned to school is very small." He said, ending the silence.

"Snape is not here," she immediately commented.

Malfoy sighed and rubbed his eyes, knowing exactly what she was thinking of.

"He's a Death Eater now, Ophelia. He has his own problems."

"So, is father purposely making use of my Slytherin friends in order to keep them away from me?" She asked an eyebrow raised as she started to get annoyed.

"He's been more active than ever, the whole atmosphere around him is...intense. But Snape seems keen on becoming one of his best acolytes,"

"Why? What can father give him that is so precious?"

"Are you serious? Snape has always been picked on for having no power and nobody to truly protect him. That is exactly what the dark lord provides to him right now, power to protect himself."

"He has me, Lily and-"

"That's not enough. Besides, he seems to fit very well in this new environment. Even your father took a liking to the way Snape behaves." Lucius said with a scoff, almost as if he disagreed with the idea.

It was quite obvious that Ophelia did not like the news. The friendship between her and Snape has always been intriguing, especially knowing both sides did care for each other but in very odd ways.

"What about you? Did he rush you to go on your honeymoon as far as possible and then send Rabastan to America?"

"No, the wedding was planned in advance as was my honeymoon," Lucius replied with a roll of his eyes. "Not everything is about you. Rabastan was sent to America because he has been acting off lately. He has been missing meetings and would be seen leaving often to places he wasn't sent to. That's why he had to prove his loyalty."

"So what? He was sent to kill someone so far away?"

"Exactly." He said, not going into more details. "Just focus on your studies for now."

"Is that your polite way of telling me to mind my own business? Nott said it too. Apparently, father is so busy that he doesn't care what I do so I might as well create an army." Ophelia said in a rush of anger.

"We both know that when he will call you to him, he will not accept a negative answer. And he will kill anyone who defies him. So live your freedom because when he will turn his attention on you, it will be gone." Lucius said, his eyes narrowing at the young Gryffindor.

"Will I even be able to ever speak to you again while living this so-called freedom? Or is this just a one-time thing?" She asked annoyed and disappointed that Malfoy still sided with Voldemort.

"If everything goes well, Narcissa and I will be able to visit Hogsmeade for a bit. I will contact you then." He said and sighed heavily, "Keep yourself in check, Ophelia."

"...sure," she replied before Lucius' face vanished and was replaced by the same blurry blank.

The rest of the night was horrible. Ophelia tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep at all. When morning came, she came down with huge dark circles.

"What happened to you?" James asked seeing how his friend looked half dead.

Ophelia only glared at him. She really didn't want to speak to anyone, she had enough to think about on her own. She didn't even wait for her classmates and went into the Great Hall for breakfast. It was such a shock to see so few students, and even more annoying to see Slytherins eating as if nothing was wrong. Ophelia walked right past them and saw mostly everyone, except Snape.

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