Chapter 73

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"So...what now?" Ophelia asked turning to her boyfriend. It was so foreign even thinking about Rabastan's new title and it made her blush, although not as much as on the first few days after the kiss.

For the past month, she had gone through very extreme states: her training with Bellatrix continued, albeit not as severe as it used to be at the beginning of the summer. It was not her father that calmed the rabid dog down, no, he quite enjoyed seeing his daughter forced to fight for her life. The one that took it upon herself to help was actually a person Ophelia had only talked to once or twice. Narcissa Black. She stumbled into the room at a moment when Ophelia was bleeding and the whole sight made her realize that she could soften it up a little.

"What do you mean?" Rabastan asked back.

Ophelia sighed heavily and turned her attention to the view. They were sitting on an old iron bench that was very uncomfortable but it was the only place they could spend a few minutes by themselves. The position was strategic too since they were in the middle of a very elaborate garden where only house-elves entered.

"Are we together or are we together only for the summer? I'd like to establish our relationship as more than a 'fling'" She added, genuinely using quoting signs at the end.

Her long green eyes turned to him slowly and Rabastan felt like he was trapped. Only Ophelia could hold so much intensity in her snake-like eyes; only she and the Dark Lord, whose eyes alone were stronger than many wizards. But she gave it a lot of thought from the moment of their first kiss. That was back in July and now was the end of August. They had one more week before she had to return to school and she was worried about Rabastan's safety. On the other side, Rabastan could hardly think about their relationship and its future because of his father and older brother.

"You just say everything that's on your mind, don't you?" He chose to avoid the answer altogether.

"I don't want to have any regrets. If that means boldly telling people what I think then be it," she replied honestly, her eyes moving down to her hands.

"Is this conversation the aftermath of one of your meetings with your father?" Rabastan asked warily, sensing the tension rising off her.

"Maybe...He has plans and I know nothing will make him go back on his word. He gets everything he wants. Always." She said with a tinge of nostalgia.

"I don't know what you two had talked about but you shouldn't worry. He will never harm his daughter, be it out of fatherly love or just interest."

Ophelia flinched as Rabastan finished his sentence. He didn't know how Tom was as a father nor how manipulative he could get. She couldn't help but remember her latest discussion with the cold-hearted snake and it still gave her chills.

She was in her seat by the chimney, a snake crawling through her legs as if it was a mere cat asking to be pet.

"Don't be afraid of her, Ophelia. Embrace her instead."

"Maybe later," she answered quickly, feeling like she just might pull her legs up in order to feel safe. "But why do you enjoy this particular snake so much? What's so special about it?"

Tom's eye glinted in the dim light coming from the sizzling fire. He was paler than ever but he looked content. His whole appearance was sickly but he seemed healthy at the same time. She hardly saw him eat or sleep and he lost a lot of weight since Christmas and yet he was moving around as if the world was in his palm.

"Nagini, come to me," he whispered with a smirk. The snake looked at Ophelia before she complied and moved to her master's side silently. He caressed her head with more care than he showed to any other being and he sighed in contempt. "There are so many layers to a living and breathing creature. Nagini is not different from you and me, she is alone in the world and she witnessed the fragility of the human life. She was hurt, deceived and abandoned and hatred is what brought her to me. Hatred that only I can understand." He spoke so calmly and with warmth that Ophelia had never heard before. It was so genuine, his soft spot for his pet.

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