Chapter 91

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When the Potters woke up that morning, they expected to see two loud boys fighting over who was going to do the dishes. They did not think for a moment that their son will be carefully holding a girl while his best friend was pacing in front of them with an angry expression.

"This is quite the sight," Mr. Potter started surprising the kids. "Ophelia,"

Ophelia bit her lip feeling incredibly awkward. James had one hand wrapped around her as if he wanted everyone to know she was his to protect. That was comforting seeing how the person she trusted the most just turned his back on her.

"Mr. Potter. Mrs. Potter." She said nodding at the adults. "I do have a reason for being here." She said pushing James to the side so that she could get up.

"I bet you do but does Cerberus know about it too?"

Ophelia's eyes widened just a little but it was enough for Fleamont to know the answer.

"I'll send him a letter and-"

"Dylis told him. Dylis was the one to bring me here and I told him not to speak to anyone but Cerberus." She replied quickly seeing how the secrecy of her safe place could be broken.

"It's fine, dad. We already had breakfast, you can go on and we'll continue here." His son said glancing at his parents with a 'get into the kitchen and leave us alone' glint in his eyes.

"Alright but I do expect a longer explanation before dinner."

Fleamont left together with his wife and Sirius started to pace again. He had many thoughts and many worries. If Ophelia told James the truth then her secret was pretty much endangered.

"Will you tell the others about your father once we return to school?" He asked away.

"Or at Grimm's Hollow. There's gonna be a party again this summer, war or no war." James added.

That reminded her of the Slytherin party. If a student wanted to become a Death Eater, that was the moment he could take advantage of. She suddenly felt very scared for Severus.

"I-" she wanted to say that yes, she was ready to tell them the truth, but she couldn't. "They won't trust me anymore. They won't come to our meetings and will look at me as if I am Tom himself."

"Is that his name? Tom?" James asked since he had very limited knowledge about Voldemort. "You know, it does make sense now."


"When I left after taking you home drunk Knowingall shared some words of wisdom with me. I didn't get it then but it makes so much more sense now. I think he was telling me to be your friend no matter what."

"How romantic," Sirius said rolling his eyes. "The world is getting worse and high status wizards and witches are taking Voldemort's side out of fear. It's not just Littlewood that's being forced to cut ties with us but a lot more. Muggle born and half blood wizards will be terribly affected by his influence." Sirius added having a more realistic view since he ran from home.

"If you're not with him then you are not worthy of living. I saw him kill right in front of me.'s hard to guess what he will do next."

"Well, you ran from him so he will be mad." James commented.

"Terribly angry with Rabastan, I'm sure." Sirius agreed. "But that's his problem, not ours. Let's just enjoy ourselves for a bit. We need good memories for our patronus charm."

Ophelia found herself smile at how positive these two boys were.

When Ophelia entered the Potter house, she did not expect to be welcomed so warmly. James was a chatter box and Sirius was rolling his eyes from the side. Mr. Potter was the same she knew and Mrs. Potter seemed quite happy to have a teenage girl around.

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