Chapter 54

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Ophelia loved going into the library to study, especially for History of Magic, a subject she could barely stay up in. But there were other subjects that seemed to grow on her and she actually started to look more into it; for example Astronomy. It was fun now that it was getting warmer and they could use the Tower. Compared to last years, they had a lot more practical courses which was making studying easier.

Everyone would gather in the library to do their homework too, except Potter and Black, who'd prefer to do it in the last few moments. Yet not today! Even Slytherins were watching Potter warily, thinking that he was planning something with all those books surrounding him.

"Is he genuinely studying?" Lily asked, sitting at the cursed desk with her friends.

"He has books on Transfiguration, Potions, Astronomy and DADA. That's quite a lot for one day." Severus started, putting his book aside for the moment.

"You mean the first day. You never know what he'll do tomorrow." Ophelia mumbled, uncovering her eyes for one moment before covering them back. She had a slight idea why he became so interested in those particular subjects but it was better to see how far he was willing to go with it.

Surprisingly, the next day during lunch before Charms, Ophelia went into the library to search for a book about vampires. It was interesting how Cerberus found a vampire and convinced him to actually come over during a weekend so that students could ask their curiosities. As soon as she entered, she found Potter having a whispering fight with the librarian.

"But I need it~" he whispered yet the lady was stern with her answer. "It's about life and death. I'm not joking," he continued, stomping hit foot like a brat.

Ophelia waited patiently for him to give up, which took another five minutes, and grabbed him aside.

"I didn't know you liked books so much, James." she started, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I need one from the Restriction area. It's about animagi. We've been covering this subject in Transfiguration for the past few months. I don't understand why I can't read further about it."

"Why?" she asked, confusing the already frustrated boy.

"Why what?"

"Why do you want to know more about animagi? We can barely transfigurate a mug."

"Says the person who made Sirius a duck and has been succeeding at every transfiguration this year." he stated sarcastically, leaning on his right foot while raising the opposite eyebrow. Ophelia blinked innocently knowing he was right. Training has helped her greatly, even if not right away. Besides, the dark arts lessons were going smoothly for someone who had to learn and defend herself at the same time.

"Fine. I'll help. You go to the librarian and go on about stuff and I'll grab it."

Potter kept his expression as he watched Ophelia have a long look around before she sneaked towards the restricted section. He waited a few seconds before he did exactly what she told him to.

"Get out of here, boy! Come again and I'll inform the headmaster of this lack of manners." she exclaimed, pushing the boy out after what felt like an hour. It wasn't- it was probably ten minutes but felt like infinity for the student who was rambling about rules and discrimination against Gryffindors.

And yet when he was out, Ophelia was already there.

"I came out a few minutes ago but I felt like I shouldn't interfere in order to make everything realistic." was her reply, which annoyed Potter but it passed when she handed him a dark arts book. "It's not exactly dark arts but more like spells not suited for students. It has a chapter about how to become an animagus. You're welcome."

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