Chapter 117

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As soon as the Hogwarts Express arrived at King's Cross in London, Ophelia looked around for the sign of Dylis. Students were emptying the compartments and yet Ophelia was surveying the station on the window.

"What are we waiting for?" Snape asked, curious what exactly she was thinking.

"It's too crowded and-" she quickly ducked, hiding from whoever walked by outside.

Snape raised an eyebrow and glanced at the moving Gryffindors. Potter and Black looked particularly happy, or that was how it looked in his eyes. And then there was Lily, with Alice and Longbottom, having a bright smile on her face as she met her parents and annoying sister. Severus' expression grew darker immediately. From Ophelia's angle, he looked incredibly bitter.

By the time they got off, the train was almost ready to return to Hogwarts. Luckily, the trolley lady noticed them and ushered them off onto the platform. But even there, Ophelia seemed bothered by something.

"How do we get to Spinnard's Cottage?" Snape asked.

"I...don't know. I usually apparate with Dylis or someone else but I never truly...walked there. It's pretty far from the city as well," She explained, Severus finally understanding why she was so worried. "I wonder if it will work,"


"Us apparating by ourselves,"

Snape's eyes widened so much that Ophelia considered if she should feel offended or not.

"Do you have a death wish?"

The voice surprised both teenagers they turned around and saw Rabastan and Zabini staring at them with very different expressions. While Rabastan was worried, Zabini seemed very amused by this interaction.

"Snape might have a chance but you suck at it, Ophelia," Rabastan said making the girl scoff and roll her eyes. "Come on, I'll take you home," he added and waved at Zabini before nudging them forward and disapparating with the two.

As soon as they arrived, Snape looked around and realized something that suddenly made sense.

"We're in the middle of nowhere," he stated seeing nothing but trees and a rundown house in the distance. But then he turned to the cottage and he couldn't help but gape in awe. It wasn't big enough for two people from what it seemed.

"Come on, Snape. Or are you going to spend your summer outside?" Rabastan asked with a grin.

Severus nodded and stepped onto the land, Ophelia and Rabastan watching intently. He was almost by the door when he turned to them with confusion.

"Well? Aren't you coming? It's not my house, it's not like I can just waltz in," as he finished his sentence the front door opened with a creak. Severus blinked not knowing how to react just yet.

But Ophelia was happy. Even the house recognized that Snape was not a threat to her life which made her feel even more sure that he was her best friend. Rabastan sighed in relief and quickly moved their luggage into the house.

"This is different from the outside," Severus stated as he entered into the hallway. The walls were stretching out right in front of his eyes and it felt like the house was...

"It is. Alive, I mean. It was enchanted to be bigger on the inside but it grew a soul of its own." Ophelia explained already reading his mind. "Besides, Spinnard was buried in the garden so..."

Snape turned with an incredulous look as if that was so odd. Ophelia laughed and grabbed his arm with joy.

"Come on, a new room is being created as we speak."

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