Chapter 28

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Thursday passed with nothing interesting happening. It was rather peaceful compared to how much of a fuss Severus made. Friday came around and during Potions, Ophelia let her partner do most of the work while she stared shamelessly at her professor.

Slughorn felt her intense gaze from the moment she entered the classroom. He knew what it was about but he didn't want to speak about it. Ophelia was not even close to the last of his favorites but something about her was making him tremble.

"Is there something wrong, Molley?" He asked, a fake smile plastered on his face.

Ophelia nodded, surprising Slughorn with how upward she was.

"About my tutor, I haven't had the chance to arrange anything with him. I thought he might have told you when and where we should meet?" She asked, making sure that her fellow classmates won't hear but Severus will.

"I suppose the weekend? He is a busy student, he may not have enough time yet."

Severus rolled his eyes but Slughorn didn't even notice him. Ophelia's eyes were so familiar yet Slughorn couldn't understand why.

"If you don't want to fail class, you better listen to that tutor of yours instead of daydreaming," Severus mumbled once Slughorn left their table, "It's Lestrange that's tutoring you, you should take the chance and ask him about his older brother." The greasy haired boy added.

Ophelia threw her friend a skeptical look from the side and scoffed, unconsciously adding an unnecessary ingredient into the cauldron, changing its color. Severus's chin tightened as he grasped the edge of the desk in annoyance. She could be a handful on more than one occasion.

Unfortunately, just before dinner, a bulky and seemingly bothered Rabastan Lestrange entered the Great Hall, his eyes searching for one dark haired girl. Once he found her, his eyes narrowed as he walked towards her.

"Um- you may be in danger, Pheli," Cissney mumbled, noticing the Slytherin stare at their table, "Big trouble is coming towards you." She added, looking down at her plate when the boy reached them.

Ophelia turned around in time to see the Slytherin glowering at her, making Lupin who was standing next to her shift in his seat uncomfortably.

"Every Saturday afternoon, in the Potions classroom. Don't be late." Rabastan announced grumpily before turning around and going towards his table.

Ophelia watched the bulky boy curiously until he sat next to one of his housemates. A few seats down from him was the blond that was giving Severus a hard time. Malfoy was throwing glances at Rabastan, glances that looked too pleased to mean well.

"Will you be alright? He seems a bit uptight." Lupin whispered, his eyes too following Rabastan as he sat and ate with a stiff expression.

Ophelia couldn't take her eyes off Malfoy, making it obvious that she was staring at him. A housemate must have told him about it because Malfoy's head turned towards the Gryffindor table with a scowl.

Nothing else happened, except the usual Potter-Black duo which became louder than before.

"You two have become like two peas in a pot." Alice commented in the Common Room.

"If only you would shut up and let us do our homework, everything would be better." Cissney added, throwing an annoyed look at Black. It didn't seem to reach him- nothing did.

Lupin chuckled before he turned to the brunette that was trying to memorize the Potions lesson for her tutoring lesson tomorrow.

"Are you sure you will be alright tomorrow? He seems a bit different from last year."

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