Chapter 39

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On the night of December 25th, a sharp brown owl was flying back to his master after sending the last package to Spinner's End, Cokeworth, Midlands. He was flying peacefully above London when his ears caught on a hiss. It was coming from down below, from a house hidden between other houses. The owl landed on a railing and listened because that was everything he could do; he couldn't see into the house because it had protection all around.

"I can't believe you're so excited for the Christmas dinner. Stop being so preppy, Reg."

"We'll have the Malfoys over and the rest of the Blacks. But I heard mum that someone new will visit us tonight."

Sirius Black scoffed and rolled his eyes at his younger brother. They were outside, escaping their mother's screams. Sirius was tired of the same accusations. It would begin with the usual How could you disrespect us and deny changing houses? and go along How can you befriend mudbloods? and the newest one, How could you send such a message to me? Family should come first. Life was hard in the Black household.

"Oi, what's that?" Regulus asked, noticing a stoic object in the form of an owl, standing with its eyes closed.

Sirius turned towards the owl and blinked in confusion before walking closer to it. The owl opened his eyes and stared up into those black orbs, tilting his head to the side when he caught sight of the younger boy following his brother.

"This is Molley's," Sirius mumbled, remembering him especially because he bit when approaching him.

"He doesn't seem to have any presents for you. I guess there's someone who hates you more than mother." Regulus said bemusedly, which might have been true. Sirius and Ophelia were house mates and classmates and lately, partners in mischief. But nowhere near friends.

"What's he doing here? Molley's staying with a family friend from what James told me."

"Who is this Molley?" Regulus asked curiously, glancing at the brown owl.

Sirius couldn't respond because the owl moved his wings and flied away. But Regulus remained with a question and he was sure he will find out the answer, be it good or bad.

"Merry Christmas!" Cerberus yelled opening the door widely to her door. "Wake up, little fox! You've gotten gifts!" He announced, waiting patiently for Ophelia to wake up.

"It's really early in the morning, isn't it?" She asked rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Very." Cerberus replied before he walked out, leaving the door open.

Ophelia sighed and fell with her back on the bed, spreading her hands and groaning loudly. With closed eyes, the witch felt something on the right side of the bed, something under the covers. Unveiled, it was a beautiful ring, made of silver with a crest in form of a serpent. Looking at it closer, there was one eye on the serpent and it looked like a very small ruby. It was beautiful and Ophelia was so touched that she teared up.

"Come or I'll open your presents myself!" Cerberus screamed from downstairs.

Ophelia rubbed her eyes and wiped her nose before she put the ring on. It was perfect.

The day continued rather well with lots of butterbeer for Cerberus, his mug filling itself every time he'd gulp it down. The brown haired man seemed way too happy compared to the cold professor. Spinnard was standing on his favorite armchair, a cup of tea in his hand, looking uncomfortable.

Overall, Ophelia received presents from each of her friends, including the loud mouth Potter and dark locks annoying Black. The difference was that those presents were obviously bought by someone other than them. Lily bought her a muggle book and Cissney bought her an empty globe.

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