Chapter 84

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A little girl was running around a wide garden full of bloomed flowers. She was smiling happily, giggling whenever she'd see something that she found amusing or entrancing. Nature was so pure and beautiful and the little girl adored spending time outside. It was sunny and she was running around after a butterfly when suddenly the whole scenery changed. Dark clouds filled the sky as if somebody purposefully breathed in the air and pushed them above her house. The girl looked up with no idea what was going on, thinking that it was just a storm. Lightning struck and thunder followed but it did not begin to rain. The girl couldn't move, she was entranced by what she was seeing until lightning struck again. Yet something was different now. It struck close to where she was standing and the colour was not white as she had seen before; it was green and it looked like it hit slower than normal.

The little girl gasped when lightning struck again, even closer. She left for the house in a hurry and locked the door behind. She ran upstairs when the house started to tremble as if there was an earthquake. Once inside her bedroom, the little girl went into bed and hid under the blankets. She stayed there as she heard rain dripping hard on the window sills. It wasn't as bad without the thunder but she couldn't relax either. She stopped breathing for a second when she heard the front door open although she was sure she locked it. Step after step, she could hear him and literally feel tension following him. He stopped in front of her bedroom's door and opened it with a squeak. The blanket was slowly pulled off her and she came face to face with a snake. It was huge and didn't seem to want to harm her. With slow movements, the girl approached the snake and that's when he opened his mouth and launched at her.

Ophelia's green eyes opened and she waited a moment to fully comprehend it was all a dream and nothing more. And then she remembered she was not at home nor at Hogwarts but at Malfoy Manor for the Christmas party which was allegedly going to be fun. With a heavy sigh she got up and went into the bathroom. Looking at her reflection she couldn't help but wonder if her nightmare was induced by Peverell. When she returned in the room she found Rosie and Dobby whispering to each other until they saw her and stopped.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she sat on her bed. "Come on, out with it. It's about the party, isn't it?" she asked as if she was speaking to two close friends. Rosie was like the elf counterpart of Alice and Dobby was just as mischievous as James at times.

"Miss has to wear a dress chosen by Master and-" Rosie stopped and glanced at Dobby before she continued, "Except Young master Lucius, there won't be an adult in the mansion."

"And why are you so worried? It's not like we're going to destroy the house while trying to kill each other." Ophelia answered making both house elves froze in their spots. "I promise, I won't instigate anyone."

Dobby looked up at her with wide eyes and almost flinched at what he was about to say.

"Dobby heard Master talk to young master Lucius and...there will be an announcement at the party regarding Miss Ophelia's boyfriend. The Rosier and Lestrange have decided to marry their youngest children to each other..." Dobby stopped and swallowed nervously as he watched Ophelia's eyes go empty. It was like staring into the eyes of Voldemort, one glimpse and you knew death was just around the corner, waiting until it could seize you and eat you up slowly and tortuously. Dobby and Rosie took a few steps back in sync, fumbling with the hem of their ragged clothes.

Ophelia looked up at the wall and chuckled darkly.

"I guess we'll see about that."

Breakfast was incredibly relaxed seeing how Mr. and Mrs Malfoy were already out of the house. Lucius seemed happier too, he was reading the Daily Prophet with a soft expression and he wasn't even bothered by the house elves working around him.

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