Chapter 72

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When exams ended and Ophelia finally breathed out in relief, she received a letter from an owl that she did not know. It contained only two words but she understood what they meant. It said: Lestrange Mansion and she was sure that was her punishment for going against her father.

She moaned for the whole last day, also the whole morning while she packed and continued to do so at breakfast.

"Shouldn't you be happy to go home?" Sirius asked, never having seen her so sullen.

"Are you happy to go home?" She asked to which he shook his head immediately. "Exactly. It will be incredibly bad."

"But your family is not like mine," Sirius added trying to make her feel better.

"I don't know what to say about that." She mumbled reminding herself that she was supposed to go straight to Lestrange. Or maybe she could go home first and then come up with a plan to escape.

Thinking about how she should scheme her way out of this punishment, she ignored everything around her. Those thoughts consumed her until she found herself in Hogwarts Express between Lily and Alice and she seriously wondered how she was coerced to stand with them.

"What are your plans for this summer?"

After her little fling, if it could be mentioned as such, with Zabini, Cissney became more of herself than the stuck up bitch she had been for half of the school year.

"Are you going to visit your boyfriend? Sirius Black." She said with a glint in her eyes.

The girls stared at Ophelia but there was nothing to say.

"I told you before that we're not dating. Sirius is growing into a handsome guy and I don't deny that but I don't fancy him. There are more important things to bother myself with."

"Like what? School?" Lily asked with a sceptical look.

" But I'm sure I'll find something." Ophelia answered, stuttering a bit at how they ganged up on her.

"If you want my honest opinion, you two do match. Don't ask me why, there's just something. You two never fought either and everybody fights with Black." Cissney added before she ventured into a long story about her fights with the Gryffindor Black.

But while Alice was fully immersed, Lily glanced at Ophelia and smiled softly. Ophelia frowned not quite understanding what that meant, she hoped it was not about Sirius again. That date was awful and it wasn't even fruitful. The only epiphany she got was that her mother had a loud mouth and was brave enough to face Tom at any moment. At least she inherited that, the foolish bravery in front of death.

As soon as they arrived in London, almost everyone ran to their parents except her, the Black brothers and Rabastan. They were standing next to each other and it was awkward.

"Well, I guess we'll go by ourselves since mother didn't bother herself." Sirius muttered grumpily. Regulus rolled his eyes and agreed however none moved.

"You take a whole lot to make up your minds." She stated when she noticed nobody moved. "And what about you? Aren't you going home?" She asked turning to Rabastan.

"I am waiting for you. In case you have forgotten, you will spend summer at my house."

If Sirius could have transformed into a fire crab and burn Lestrange with stinky arse fire he would had. She never believed those dark brown eyes could sink into such small lines and his expression could be so malevolent.

"What?" He asked through gritted teeth. "Are you out of your mind, Molley? I can understand Malfoy but Lestrange?" He hissed and growled like a hound. It was cute in a very overprotective way.

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