Chapter 113

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The following week was tense. Ophelia couldn't focus in her classes, her magic was unpredictable, and even when she was with her friends, it felt as if she wasn't there mentally and spiritually. Everyone noticed her sudden change, it clearly wasn't because of Black because even he was worried.

"You should ask her what's going on, Padfoot," Potter started the conversation one night while they were lying in bed. "She's been off the entire week, she's even worse in Potions than before,"

"Maybe Snape said something last weekend," Peter pitched in, remembering how the Gryffindor and Slytherin pissed many people (Potter) off by simply spending time together. "Isn't it so weird? Malfoy was sighted in Hogsmeade too. Do you think Death Eaters had a secret meeting?"

"I don't think so. Malfoy is one of the three Slytherins that Ophelia is close to." Remus, the voice of reason, interfered. "Whatever she talked about with him and Snape, it must have been about her father. One way or another, it always comes down to Tom Riddle,"

"Lord Voldemort, please," Potter said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "He changed his name, he created a mark, he has followers, he's very dramatic,"

"I'm not so sure it's about him. When I found her in the common room Saturday night, she seemed to have a nightmare, but then I'm pretty sure I caught sight of her kitten before she woke up."

"What was her nightmare about?"

"Spinnard, I guess. She said she wants to have a chat with Spinnard."

"But he's dead," Remus said, making everyone hum thoughtfully.

A whole month passed since then. Spring came and flowers bloomed. The nature around Hogwarts returned to life and so did the news.

"Not even one day passes without a new death in the paper," Longbottom said with a sigh. They were all taking breakfast at the same table and they all looked grim.

"It's concerning how much their numbers have increased."

"They must have clear orders for who to kill. Some of the victims were squibs and some were just against Voldemort," Remus explained.

"No, I mean the Death Eaters. They don't care about age anymore, it's dangerous. Kids sign up without knowing the length of what they're doing. I heard second and third years talk in the corridors about secret trainings with Death Eaters. And many are not even Slytherins." Potter mumbled, glaring at his plate. "We're not enough."

"Maybe not, but we only need to destroy their leader in order to destroy everything he owns, inclduing his followers." Black replied looking around the Great Hall.

Ophelia was not at the table with them, she was not in the Great Hall and she wasn't at the lake either, he checked. It was annoying knowing that she could be with anyone else but him, doing something dangerous nonetheless.

Which was right. Ophelia was in the girls' bathroom, with Rabastan. He looked in desperate need of sleep, he lost weight and he was overall sucked of life.

"Is this it?" She asked, holding what looked like a medallion from its string.

"Yes. Be careful with it, I had a hard time sneaking it out of the house."

"You have a Time Turner at home?"

"I never said it was my house," he added with a smirk. "Anyway, you need to be careful with it. Set it for a specific moment in time, when he was alone so that you won't meet someone else."

"Oh, I already know when." She said with confidence fumbling with it before she eventually wrapped it around her neck.

Rabastan remained staring at her with a blank expression.

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