Chapter 26

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First Monday and their schedule was not at all what they expected. They had Potions and Herbology in the morning and DADA in the afternoon. For most students it was comfortable because Slughorn and Sprout were seen as nice professors. But there was Spinnard right after lunch and that itself disheartened the whole year.

Even worse, Potions was done with Slytherins and Ophelia felt Severus glare every time Potter tried to copy Lily's movements, hoping he'll impress her as well as succeed his potion.

"Better concentrate on our potion or I'll do it all." Ophelia whispered, worried that may be the case.

"Look at him," The boy snarled, "He's being so childish when she's obviously ignoring him." The dark haired Slytherin added, his eyes narrowing at Potter with every ounce of hatred he could muster.

"You should have asked her to be your partner then." Ophelia mumbled, her eyes re-reading the instructions to make the Swelling Potion, "How much do I have to cut this?" She asked herself since Severus definitely wasn't going to save her.

"I wanted to but that girl Littlewood, she started to glare at me before I took a step towards Lily. She emotionally blackmailed her into partnering up." Severus added grumpily before finally turning to look at his actual partner.

Ophelia raised her head, throwing a look of skepticism.

"I'm sure that was the reason." She mumbled, "You have enough time to spend with her. It's only the second year, Sev."

"I know. What about you?"

"What about me?" She asked, returning her attention on the Swelling Potion. It didn't look good.

"You know, Malfoy and Lestrange," He whispered those names as if they were the death curses, "Have you seen them in the Great Hall or other places?"

"Truthfully, I didn't look."

Severus rolled his eyes and stopped her from adding an unnecessary ingredient into the cauldron.

"How can you be so calm about it? Their families are renowned for being dark wizards."

"Why are you anxious? You said yourself, if they come, they come after me not you."

She was being so nonchalant about it that it truly amazed Severus. There he was, caring about her because he dragged her into his own issues yet she was ignoring every alarm sent towards her.

"What are you doing?"Severus asked when he saw her swirl clockwise when they had to do it counter clockwise. It proved to be quite important because it started to grow until it spilled out.

"Oh my, what's happening there?" Slughorn asked, hurrying over in case something bad would happen.

"Sorry, professor," Ophelia apologized.

"Ah, Molley. I should have expected you to be behind this."

It sounded extremely offending in Severus' point of view but Ophelia didn't look bothered at all.

Unfortunately, they had Herbology with Ravenclaws which meant Ophelia had to partner up with someone. She barely entered the greenroom when someone pulled her to a group.

"Um, no thanks." She mumbled as she turned around with the intention to leave them.

"Come on, badge. We have to support each other in times of needs." Potter reasoned, making no sense.

"Whose times of needs? I don't need any help." She retorted, not yet annoyed with the glasses boy but getting there slowly.

"You know, this and that. Help me out here, mate," He whispered and nudged Black, who was watching them bemusedly.

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