Chapter 14

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She knew she's been there before but never once did she imagine it so clearly. She could see the details as if she visited the cottage yesterday yet she wasn't even sure she ever visited it.

It was strange because she could see everything from a different point of view, a smaller point of view actually. Everything was big compared to her but nothing was intimidating or peculiar in any way.

"How are enjoying yourself, Pheli?"

Ophelia looked up into the marvelous eyes of a ginger man. He smiled widely, his eyes full of joy and love as he bent in front of her and ruffled her hair.

"It's been a while hasn't it? How is our little witch?" He asked, making Ophelia blush without really having a reason why.

Well, maybe the reason was the way he seemed to emanate this boyish charm, making him attractive even for a little girl. Or maybe it was the dimples baby face of his that looked incredibly cute and friendly.

"She's only six years old, Vernon. Don't mess with my daughter's feelings already." An older woman spoke, her voice soothing and extremely familiar.

Ophelia turned to look at the woman and her heart beat faster at the sight of her face. Lillian Gaunt was playfully glaring at the ginger, her whole face bright and happy. She was beautiful ad those amazing green eyes were pretty much the same as Ophelia's only hers were wide and clear while Ophelia's were slightly elongated, like a cat's. Lillian was a tall woman with long red hair and a certain elegance that seemed to come from her not from the way she was dressing, which was very classy. She was feminine and her whole appearance was making Ophelia feel safe.

"I'm not doing anything! Don't be a bugger, Mrs. Gaunt." He spoke in a way that even the child could understand he was trying to annoy her mother.

"Don't call me that. Just Lillian is fine."

"Whatever you say." He mumbled before turning to Ophelia, "Then I will just take this little princess here and introduce her to my Patronus." He said, smiling eagerly.

Lillian chuckled when she remarked the confusion over Ophelia's face.

"His Patronus is a dragon. He talks about him as if he were his pet." Lillian partially joked because, seriously, partially she was right.

"He's my faithful companion, has always been. He represents my happiness unlike yours, Mrs. Gaunt." He emphasized again that small detail that seemed to annoy Lillian but she only rolled her eyes.

Vernon's smile softened up as his eyes trailed from Lillian to her daughter and sighed. Ophelia could see just how happy was that man and she was curious if, by any chance, he wasn't her her.

Suddenly, the whole room emptied and it became cold. Ophelia grew back to her original size and looked around curiously. She was in a different house, one that she knew well but hasn't visited in a while. The brunette witch looked up to the first floor and breathed out, feeling a chill go down her spine. She placed her hand on the railing and trailed it as she took a few steps up the stairs. The door suddenly closed and she turned around quickly, scared. No one was downstairs so she turned back towards the first floor. Ophelia looked up and saw green before she heard someone whisper.

"Not yet."

Two green eyes opened abruptly, scaring whoever was next to her. She rose on her bottom quickly and looked down at her hands.

"Are you alright, dear? You woke up so suddenly."

Ophelia looked up and met the worried eyes of Madame Pomfrey, who was just passing by her bed. Seeing her, it made the girl remember that she was actually at school and she had a very bad meeting with what was called a Dementor. Then, she remembered one more detail-

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