Chapter 90

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As soon as they apparated into the Lestrange house, Ophelia felt this intense sense of dread. She pouted the whole time and couldn't understand why she had to be there with all those murderers.

"Here again, aren't you, Babbity?" Bellatrix asked entering the room and lurking around Ophelia like a dementor. "How's school going? Still having friends?" she added knowing what she has done just a few months ago.

"What about you? Have you reached the next level of craziness? Are you a pureblooded maniac yet?" Ophelia answered with more wit than she actually felt. "Are you the Dark Lord's favourite already? I suppose you killed more muggles than anyone in the wizarding world. A fanfare of enslaved house-elves should sing in your name, O Holy Bellatrix! We bow to you in order not to get our heads cut!"

Clearly, she was out of her mind to taunt Bellatrix now Lestrange. The surroundings were not opportune for making fun of her either: it was a wide hall with incredible echo. The whole house could hear Ophelia's booming voice, not that she wanted it any different.

"I would be careful what you say, Babbity. You never know when your time comes," Bellatrix threatened, her dark eyes staring at the Hogwarts student with the same psycho glint as Evan's.

"Draw your wand out. Come on! Try and kill me!" Ophelia's green orbs dilated, her whole body getting a kick from all the pent-up anger and frustration she had felt at school. "Why don't you just do it already, hm? Are you a coward?"

Bellatrix didn't need to be told twice, she grabbed her wand and levitated Ophelia high, close to the ceiling, before she used the cruciatus curse on her. Thanks to all the times she had been tortured before, Ophelia did not give the awaited reaction therefore Bellatrix did it again and again and again.

"Crucio!" She screamed, moving from place to place so that she could hit the young girl in different spots.


Ophelia opened her eyes enough to see Narcissa enter in hurry.

"It's enough, Bella. You're going to kill her at this rate." Narcissa added feeling like she was doing her future-husband a favour. Lucius had a soft spot for Ophelia and he was bad at hiding it so, as his future wife, she might as well support him.

"That's what she wants! That's what we all want!" Bellatrix answered bemusedly as if everything was just a game to her.

"Not the Dark Lord. He wants her alive." Narcissa had a good point, it reminded her sister of something because Bellatrix let Ophelia drop.

With no energy to get up, Ophelia could only lie there. Bellatrix bent next to her and pulled her close by her hair.

"Be careful what you wish for, Babbity. Next time you ask me to kill you, I will." She whispered, the look in her eyes telling Ophelia that she was very serious.

With the crazy gone, Ophelia groaned and carefully rose on her feet. Narcissa helped her on the nearest armchair and sighed heavily.

"Thank you," the student started in a meek voice.

"I won't be here all the time to stop her and, as you well know, she is hard to convince to stop. You should be more careful."

"I shouldn't be here in the first place. I have a home, I should be there." Ophelia said feeling the damage in her arms and legs. Nothing was broken, luckily, but she had blood running down her nose and even had to spit some out. She was probably a mess on the inside.

"It would be easier if you just act as if you are interested in what happens here. You do like the dark arts,"

"But I don't like using magic to kill innocent people."

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