Chapter 100

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"I am amazed you pulled it off so well, Frank," Ophelia said, still in awe.

The Room of Requirement was the epitome of the best Halloween party Ophelia had ever seen. They had ghosts, bar tables, a dancing ring, and the lights were dim enough to make it creepy but still see each other. Everything was orange and black and they had carved pumpkins floating above everything. It was beautiful, indeed.

"I am pretty good at decorating, apparently. But it wasn't just me, I had a lot of help from my team." He said, pointing to the group of five people running around, still making sure that every pumpkin was in the right spot. "I had Lily and Alice send the invitations and...I sent one to Rabastan. Sorry, but I thought that it's better to have him on our side, at least while we're at school."

Ophelia raised an eyebrow which gave Frank the impression that she was annoyed and uncomfortable. Even if there was something she wanted to say, she couldn't once people started to arrive.

"This looks really cool, Frank! Nice job. I'll ask you to decorate my future wedding as well!" Potter said so loud that everyone could hear him, even if there was music in the background.

Ophelia glanced at Lily and chuckled at her freaked-out expression. Potter either didn't notice or he chose to ignore it.

The Room never felt as full as now, but it was never meant to be a space of joy and fun. They only trained there, encouraged by all the bullying happening in school. Professors could barely do something because, in the end, the students and their families will suffer even more outside the school.

"What are you thinking about?" Zabini asked as he came and sat next to her with a drink in hand.

"Is this enough, Enzo? Father has so many followers and they are adults with experience in the real world. We're just children acting like we know what we're doing." She admitted feeling very anxious now that she could see how big this responsibility was.

"Don't think about it. The more you do, the harder it will be." He said, giving her the same advice he gave himself.

"If one of these kids dies, it's all on us: you, me, and Dumbledore," Ophelia added as she watched them laugh and have a good time. James and Sirius were laughing really loudly at something, probably embarrassing Frank and Alice from the looks of it. Lily was talking to Goldstein, Remus was standing aside, shaking his head at Peter who was trying hard to flirt with a Ravenclaw. Rabastan didn't come.

"He's running an errand for Dumbledore," Zabini commented, seeing how she was searching the room for someone. "He will come later tonight. He was surprised to be invited but he will come."

It was later, after midnight when a student whose name shall not be revealed (it starts with Sirius and ends with Black) has succeeded in bringing a few bottles of fire whisky. It brought some bad memories to Ophelia.

"Here, Molley. Live a little!" He said, handing her a glass of alcohol. "I promise there is no Amortentia in it this time." He added seeing how skeptical she was about the contents of said glass.

"I'm fine. Someone should keep a clear head." She said giving him back the drink.

"One drink won't make you lose your mind." He added pushing the drink towards her.

"Maybe not but if I accept one then more will follow and I can't risk having an open mind."

"But you're not alone. We can all block someone if we work together. Besides, I promise I won't force you to drink anything else."

"My mind can get us all in terrible danger if I crack the door open even if just a little."

Remus and Zabini were the closest to the pair and they watched with amusement as Sirius and Ophelia kept pushing the drink from one to another, like two children.

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