Chapter 121

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Standing there, with a slightly wet teenage girl that he had a crush on, Sirius suddenly realized how intimate it was. But Ophelia looked so nonchalant, so unbothered, that it took a bit from the excitement.

"So, where is your uncle?" She asked looking straight into his eyes as if she knew what he was thinking about.

"Dunno, really. He just said he's leaving for the summer. He might have run away and hid, considering how he hasn't become a Death Eater yet." Sirius commented taking a sip from his hot chocolate. "What about you?"

"Knowingall is probably hiding as well. Dylis too. It's a bit odd not having them in the cottage. But I have Dobby and Severus," she muttered the last part since she already knew Sirius would overreact, which he did.

"Excuse me? I think I didn't hear you right, I thought you said you were spending summer with Malfoy's house elf and Snape."

"Yep," she said hiding behind the mug.

Sirius jolted on his feet and tried to say something several times but stopped every time. He was aware of her weird friendship with Malfoy, he saw Dobby petrify Katie for Ophelia, he could understand, but Snape...

"Even after he called Lily a mud-blood and told her to die with the rest of us?" He asked trying to calm himself down. "Really, Ophelia, you can't live in both worlds. It's either kill or be killed with them."

"Most of them are cowards, Sirius. Most of them need a purpose and Tom gives it to them. I do understand how appealing and enchanting his ideas are, but he doesn't rule them with respect and charisma. He does it with fear."

"That doesn't excuse them!"

"I know. But I know that no matter how hard I tried to convince him otherwise, Severus still did whatever he wanted. You can't control people, so what I can do is be careful and keep an eye out for him."

"He could kill you, Ophelia. He can do it, he can turn against you in the blink of an eye because his Dark Lord is worth more than you."

Ophelia looked down at her hands and bit her lip.

"He won't. He cannot." She mumbled confusing Sirius. "He vowed to me, so if he would do anything to harm me or abandon me in the favour of my father, he would die."

Sirius stared at her for a while and sighed.

"So then what happened on Halloween?"

"Dumbledore asked Severus to enter my mind and search for a memory. Back when I was a kid at the orphanage, we went on a trip to Aviemore. One of the boys got lost and I searched for him and found him, I thought that a Dementor attacked us. But there was no Dementor. My memory was altered by Spinnard."


"Because my father reached out to me that day. I guess he was planning to take me with him, groom me like he did with my mother, into becoming his loyal puppet. Spinnard interfered and convinced him to allow me to go to Hogwarts before calling for me. Father never wanted me to see the truth but now that my mind is well protected, he can't intervene." Ophelia explained rather calmly considering how Sirius was appalled by every word that came out of her mouth.

"So what will you do? We enter our last year at school soon. Where will you be this time next year?"

"Hopefully, not dead." She said sounding as if she had already thought of this problem before. Sirius scoffed and hit her arm, offended by the easiness she said it with. "Ouch. That hurt."

"How foolish are you to believe we'd ever leave something like that happen to you?"

Ophelia smiled, comforted by the warmth of friendship.

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