Chapter 96

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However, Ophelia never made it to McGonagall's class. She needed to stop because her head started to hurt so badly that she could barely see where she was going. She stopped only when she felt like her eyeballs were about to jump out of her sockets and she leaned against the wall as she started to cry. She suddenly looked up and noticed a hand being stretched to her. Two blue eyes were sparkling as the person that appeared helped Ophelia back to her feet.

"Vernon?" She asked still seeing only a blurry face.

"Not quite."

Ophelia rubbed her eyes and saw that her real helper was Tim Goldstein. However, she was sure that this wave of calmness that fell over her after that strong thumping against her mind did not come from a student.

"What are you doing here? What happened?" The girl asked her helper once she regained her vision.

"You were on the ground, looking like you were in a trance. I thought that maybe a Slytherin jinxed you but there's nobody around and nobody came out of here."

As the realization hit, Ophelia noticed that she was no more in the corridor but in an old, dusty classroom. Odd because she was sure that when the pain began, she was in a place with no doors.

Returning to the moment that triggered this pain that Ophelia felt, at the core of it was indeed Rabastan. His eyes were not a mirror to his soul but one towards the Dark Lord himself. His young mind was wide open for anyone to read and explore which was a very big flaw in Dumbledore's plan...if he wasn't aware, that is. But Dumbledore was ever so scheming and he wanted to use Ophelia for his own gain, which was truly to mess Voldemort's future plans.

Rabastan suffered more than he let out, and that because he couldn't show any type of weakness in front of his father. He didn't search for Ophelia after she ran away because he did have an idea where she could have gone. By the time august came around, he was doing petty missions for Voldemort that not even new Death Eaters were doing. He knew that was more of a punishment for his family rather than for him.

"You don't seem too happy with cleaning up after your friends, Rabastan."

Dumbledore's voice was easy to recognize. The Hogwarts headmaster approached Rabastan, stepping carefully as not to walk over dead bodies. Indeed, there were three dead people sprawled on the floor and Dumbledore frowned as he recognized one of them as a former student whose family was mixed.

"I see that Bellatrix did a...thorough work as usual." Dumbledore added feeling disappointed with the way of the world at the moment.

"Nobody lives to see another day after a brief meeting with her. But that's not why you came here, is it?"

Dumbledore smiled, his eye twinkling in the moonlight.

"The wizarding world has darkened terribly. Disastrous times are approaching, if not already here and if my information is right, it will be never-ending if we do not fight it properly."

"You do realize I am part of the opposition in this case."

"Are you, Rabastan? You have a responsibility but your heart tells you otherwise. Your heart is still longing for that gleam of happiness that you recently lost."

"Exactly. It is lost."

"We both know that Voldemort will send spies into the castle under the mask of students or other forms. She hid well but she has to return to school and it will not be the same for her, or for the others. The enemy is among friends and he is waiting for the right moment to strike and kill. Ophelia will be in great danger."

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