Chapter 66

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As soon as she woke up Friday morning, Ophelia got encouragement from many known and unknown students.

"Why is it such a big deal? A kid from Ravenclaw brought me flowers as soon as he saw me in the Entrance Hall." She moaned feeling like attention was not her specialty.

"I think it's nice. They all want you to win."

"So they can also win., Pettigrew said, getting a kick as a response. "It's the truth!"

Ophelia groaned and threw her flowers over the chubby boy before she hit her head on the table. Once, twice and she couldn't a third time because Remus put his hand on her forehead and softened the blow. She turned to look at him and saw that he seemed a lot calmer than the days before.

"If you were good or even average at potions, you could have prepared a Felix Felicis." Sirius threw that into the conversation.

"Liquid Luck," Remus added seeing how she was not responding. She scoffed and raised her head.

"You should have told me about it this whole week not now, hours before the duel."

"When is the duel anyway?" Asked Lily growing quite worried. She was good at that, being worried.

"When his majesty desires." Ophelia replied feeling doomed.

That proved to take a while because Zabini preferred to be in time for every class. It was only after dinner that he sent after her and they all moved in the Clockyard.

"Do the professors know about this?" She asked him, walking in the middle of it.

"Of course not. That's why we have to end it as fast as possible." He said nonchalantly, throwing her a bored look. "Are you prepared, Molley?"

"No. Are you?" She didn't know why she asked that, really.

"No. I don't know your level since you never duelled seriously during club activities."

She could feel Regulus sigh and roll his eyes somewhere in the crowd.

"Well, let's begin shall we?" He asked walking a few feet from her and facing her while raising his wand elegantly.

Thankfully, she remembered to bring hers along or else it would have been awkward. Actually, it was Severus that reminded her during their last class.

It came fast and the light from his wand was blinding.

"Stupefy!" He yelled but she was fast. Her reflexes from when she trained with Rodolphus were still kicking.

"Difendo!" She said quickly. It was not easy, though, because Zabini was throwing spell after spell. It was all attack and not much defence.

"Confringo!" He yelled again, almost getting her but she ran from his sight and hid behind a column, almost getting someone else hurt in the process.

"Immobulus!" He screamed again, getting closer but she ran again and someone else got hit. "Let's not make collateral damage, Molley."

"Better him than me!" She shouted in the moment.

Zabini rolled his eyes as he saw her sprint for a corner of the yard that had less students in. As soon as she got there she had to both duck from a jet of water before she had to jump to the side from a huge flame.

"God, why do I have to duel him in front of everybody?" She mumbled feeling all the eyes judging every movement.

As she duck again she heard her father's voice telling her not to disappoint him. It sounded so real that she turned to search for his eyes. While she was preoccupied with her own issues, Zabini crept towards her and hit her with Stupefy again only she turned right in time and protected herself. As soon as she did that, she pointed her wand at him and in matter of second she mumbled, Depulso. Zabini was thrown a few feet from her and with a lot more power than he expected. She screamed Flipendo! But luckily Zabini used a defending spell as he rose and ran to the side seeing how she was attacking now.

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