Chapter 51

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Nightmares continued and they became more and more realistic. It seemed that there were a lot more details that Spinnard didn't know and Dumbledore kept to himself. It also seemed that Lillian was McGonagall's favorite student, going as far as having the best transfiguration skills in the school.

The nightmares also unveiled the relationship between Peverell and Lillian while in Hogwarts but none showed Lillian during the holidays or during the summer break. Ophelia considered it as a hint towards the person that was invading her mind by night.

Her day dreaming stopped when someone fell at her feet. She looked down and recognized the pale first year as Regulus Black. Ophelia looked up at the direction he came from and saw a few Gryffindors chuckling to themselves.

"I tripped, sorry!" He apologized as he got on his feet.

"And I believe you," she answered in the same tone, taking another glance of the first year Gryffindors, "Where are your friends when you need them? Aren't Slytherins loyal to each other?" Ophelia added, containing that tinge of sarcasm.

"Loyalty needs to be earned first. I haven't just yet." He mumbled, accepting her help when gathering his books. "Thanks. Will you still go to the after hours?"

"Excuse me?" She asked completely taken aback.

"The dark arts lessons. That's how everyone calls it nowadays. It seems Rabastan will take lead while his brother and Malfoy are one step closer to becoming Death Eaters." Regulus mumbled, glancing left and right suspiciously.

"Do you want to be a Death Eater too? Sirius would go crazy if that would happen."

"Sirius is different. He'll never understand what our family is about."

For an 11 years old he was talking as if he had the whole world on his shoulders.

"What is it about then?" She asked, curious what his answer will be.

"Heritage, tradition, status and many more. Our family's been influential for centuries and we cannot let ourselves be outrun by others." He said, his loyalty towards his family beaming off his skinny figure.

"You should concentrate on the present because from what I noticed, big words don't help if you're bullied." She adviced him, knowing she should do it too when meeting Mulciber.

"I'm not being bullied." He stated slowly.

"And I believe you 100 percent," she answered in the same manner, but this time she gave him a warm smile.

The day continued well, especially because Potter was boasting about something or another. Remus seemed a bit too silent but once she sat next to him during Transfiguration, he smiled.

"How is the smartest boy in school doing?" Ophelia asked.

"I'm not the smartest boy in school. That must be a Ravenclaw or something," he mumbled in return yet not able to turn his head to her.

"What happened?"

Ophelia was the kind of person that would always notice if something was wrong, skill that seemed to have grown with her. Remus sighed and pulled his collar only a few milimeters away, unveiling a huge scar on his neck. Ophelia's eyes widened, not expecting something so serious.

"Was it a hard Christmas?"

"I spent the holidays at school and so did some Slytherins. It's not exactly their fault, though!" He added quickly, seeing her eyes narrow. "It wasn't his fault."

"Whose fault wasn't it?" She asked slowly, wanting him to trust her instead of sneaking inside his mind.

"Just, no one's."

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