Chapter 58

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"Who sent you here?"

The room was cold and very dark, just like Victor enjoyed it. The headmaster's office felt like a torture chamber with every painting watching him carefully. But that was nothing, as a vampire he was already used to it.

"I was invited by you, headmaster." The vampire answered, shifting on his chair. He had been taken while partially unconscious and put on a chair in the middle of the room.

"And what exactly were your plans when you arrived?" Dumbledore asked.

"No plans." He answered with a pleased look.

The paintings hummed, all with different expressions on their faces. It was so intriguing seeing how everyone was so involved.

Dumbledore sighed and with a quick look at the former headmaster, he turned to the only window in the room. The curtains opened only a bit, but the light was enough to touch his feet.

"Fine! Fine I did come with a purpose!" He screamed seeing how Dumbledore was only widening the ray rather than diminishing it. "The animagus!"

"Mr. Knowingall?"

"No. The other one. Peverell." The vampire hissed with hatred. "I was supposed to find him."

"And what then?" A former headmaster asked expectantly.

"Take him to Lestrange. But we both know what was going to happen from then on," the vampire chuckled evilly, "Now, close the curtains!" He ordered, his elegance crumbling at his feet, same with his pride.

But Dumbledore did not. He retreated to his desk while a very dedicated house elf fully opened the curtains and even opened the window.

"Fresh air, sir?" The creature asked calmly even though the screams of agony were far louder.

Once the vampire turned to dust, Dumbledore smiled at the elf.

"Thank you, Dylis."

The elf smiled widely and nodded, ready to do anything for his employer. Dumbledore smiled back, his blue eyes sparkling in the light of the twilight.

Ophelia was confused if she should stay by Potter's bed or Cerberus'. In the end she chose her guardian since he was seriously injured compared to sleeping beauty.

"Why isn't he waking up?" She asked madame Pomfrey, grabbing the owl man's hand.

"He's resting. The blow was harsher because he was in his owl form. He's been very busy ever since he returned to Hogwarts. It's better to let him sleep how much he wants."

"Does he have a family? A wife, children?" Ophelia asked seeing how Cerberus seemed like a family man.

"No. He's dedicated his life to protecting you."

"But what about before me?"

"I played Quidditch. Also, I'm not a family man." He answered, a painful groan following after.

Madame Pomfrey helped him lean against the pillow and gave him a potion for pain before she retreated to her office. Potter was still in deep slumber which let Ophelia speak freely.

"You're hurt and it's all my fault. What if the vampire was actually here to kill me?"

"He wasn't. If anything, his orders were not to harm you."

"So you believe father sent him here?"

"Actually, it is my fault. I knew vampires aren't trustworthy with how many discussions they had with Tom but I wanted you to have hand on experience." Cerberus explained flinching when he moved a bit. "Potter is very perceptive, isn't he? And very persistent. He saw right through the vampire's noble facade."

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