Chapter 103

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The next few days passed in a blur, mostly because the whole family was getting ready for the Christmas dinner. One particular day was odd, right before the holiday, when the Potters had to leave to visit some relatives which, as result, left Sirius and Ophelia all alone in the house.

"We'll be gone for a few hours at most so you don't need to worry. Nobody knows you are here Ophelia so there is no need to be worried although I am sure Sirius would protect you if anything would happen," Mr. Potter said, his eyes sparkling as he saw the blush in Sirius' cheeks. "You can grab anything from the kitchen to eat, feel just like home but try not to use magic. I'm sure Dylis will be coming later today."

"Dad...why don't you tell them to not blow up the house?" James asked after Mr. Potter finished his speech.

"I only trust you with that task, son." Mr. Potter mumbled before they dragged a pouty James with them into the chimney.

An awkward silence fell in the living room once the family was gone in a green puff of smoke. Ophelia didn't feel it, she just went into the kitchen and searched for tea. She wanted to drink something warm before getting to the gift wrapping. Sirius remained in the room for a bit before he went upstairs, into his and James' bedroom where he grabbed a muggle magazine and started to skim through it. It was an hour or so later when he went into the kitchen only to see Ophelia in a mess of wrapping paper, glue, and scissors.

"Didn't you live with muggles for a while, Molley?" He asked helping her cut a piece of paper.

"I never wrapped gifts, I only received them," she mumbled, aware that she sounded snobbish. Sirius laughed but he could imagine a little Ophelia going down the stairs, curious about what she got. "Once I started school, Gloria and Richard tried to buy me things that would be helpful in the wizarding world as well. It was nice," she added with a nostalgic smile.

"Gloria and Richard?"

"Yeah, I couldn't quite call them mom and dad. I tried to but then again, I didn't have much time with them. My father interfered,"

"Why do you call him father, then?"

"Because he is. When I first met him I didn't know who he was but I could instantly trust him. There was this overbearing feeling of acceptance and understanding that pulled me right into his web. He told me that we come from an old and important family and to the young Ophelia who had lived in confusion all her life, it sounded very appealing."

"Well, he didn't lie. Both your parents do come from an old family, even if under very odd circumstances."

"The thought that they were cousins sickens me."

"Many are and still marry, that is how the blood remains pure. Black, Malfoy, Lestrange, we are all intertwined one way or another. And there are a lot more pure-blooded families, as you know."

"Maybe we are as well," she joked, leaning towards Sirius, and placing a hand on his leg to support herself. Sirius' eyes widened and he froze. "You don't have to look so shocked, that's quite offending," she added as she returned to folding paper around Severus' present.

The Potters were gone for approximately four hours and yet when they returned they found Ophelia trying to help Dylis cook while Sirius was working on his motorbike.

"For some reason, I feel like I've seen this before," Mr. Potter whispered to his wife, who only shook her head in return.

James went first to check on his badge, whose hair was sticky from having tried to make some dough, and unintentionally moved her hair out of her face which as result got it all over the front strands of her hair and some on her forehead. Dylis was moving around, keeping Ophelia occupied with one thing so that he could finish the rest, which was rather funny from his point of view.

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