Chapter 35

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"Where are we going?" Severus asked, keeping up with Ophelia's pace.

"I am going to the bathroom." She answered coldly.

"No, you're not."

Ophelia sighed and stopped in the middle of the corridor, throwing some nasty glances at the pale boy behind her. He was asking a lot of questions and was meddling in, which he very firmly hated when the subject was his life.

"You're very persistent, aren't you?" She mumbled grumpily. "I'm going to visit someone in the hospital wing."

"Who? A student?" He asked quickly, his eyes widening in curiosity as he walked closer to her.

"It's not someone you know. It's-"

"Professor Slughorn?" Severus asked, leaning twards her, "He's fine. He's there only to rest but he's perfectly capable to teach."

"I don't care about him. I mean, I already got my punishment for what happened. Every Saturday afternoon Grffindors will have detention with Spinnard." She added, feeling angry at the thought.

"Don't you have tutoring with Rabastan then?"

Ophelia's eyes widened, remembering that Rabastan's tutoring was usually Saturday but there wasn't a designated time for it; he'd just tell her at breakfast or a day before when to meet.

"I'll manage somehow." She answered in the end, conitnuing her way to the hospital, "How come you're not studying with Lily?" The girl asked when she realized Severus was not going to budge from following her.

"When did you meet your father?" He asked back, getting a second nasty look from her, "We have talked about him before. Why not now?"

"Because he's- I don't know how to explain. He's just different from everyone here."

Severus tilted his head to the side, mostly to see her better since he was walking a step behind her, and scanned her expression.

"Does he scare you?" The boy asked making the girl stop midstep.

"Why would he scare me? He's my father."

"You said you aren't on good terms with the headmaster. Is that because of your father?"

Ophelia's expression fell to the point it became blank. It was difficult to know what she was thinking about, times when Severus would have liked to catch a glimpse of what's in her head. While the young pale boy wanted her to lash at him and tell him everything sincerely, she didn't. Ophelia scoffed and went back to walking towards the hospital without a word exchanged.

When the door to the hospital opened with a creak, Cerberus' head snapped towards it expectantly. His eyes were glistening while the rest of his body looked like it needed a bit more time to recover. When he didn't see anyone entering for the first few seconds, his eyes lowered to the floor but there was no kitten. Instead, he saw the muddy shoes of the girl who sent him to the hospital, followed closely by a pair of mediocre muggle shoes of a boy. Cerberus' eyes shifted on his hands before he sighed and looked at Ophelia's green eyes.

"I thought you'd never visit me." He started, planting a forced smile while his eyes darkened.

It was obvious for everyone, including Severus, that the man standing on the bed was not very happy to see the brunette witch but he wasn't displeased by it either. He was simply not in the mood to see her or speak to her or any other student for that matter. When Cerberus' eyes moved on the Slytherin, the darkness seemed to have faded a bit but he still didn't look content.

"I'm sorry." Ophelia begun when the man on the bed didn't speak a word, "You have taught me a lot and I repaid your kindness with a bad memory." She added, fidgeting nervously.

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