Chapter 2

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Minerva McGonagall was preparing for her Transfiguration lesson when a cute white owl entered through the window and landed straight in front of her. The owl was familiar but it's been a while since Minerva has heard from that particular student of hers. Nonetheless, the owl was there and he looked panicked. He jumped closer to the professor and looked up at her with what looked to be teary eyes. In that moment, Minerva knew something very wrong happened, snatched the letter from the owl and rushed out of her office. Her face was contorted into an expression of shock and pity and by the time she found Professor Dumbledore, she was already tearing up.

"What is it, Minerva?" He asked, noticing her expression.

She only handed him the letter and waited patiently for her colleague to give the announcement.
Dumbledore read the letter slowly, his blue eyes not widening once at the containment.

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

By the time you get this letter, I will be already dead. I have lived a life under constant watch but I treasured it and treasured my family to some extent.

I have returned what is not mine and I consider that is the best place to hide something so powerful.

I would appreciate if my daughter could be looked after by you not by my cousin. I'm sorry I couldn't say my farewells in person but circumstances wouldn't let me.

Please, don't let her get entangled into his web. Ophelia should never know who her father is. Never.

Lillian Gaunt

Once he read everything, Dumbledore rushed out of his office, Minerva following closely.

"What should we do now? The child, he can't get the child." She said in a hurry.

Dumbledore walked out and turned to her before he smiled sadly.

"Our priority is her safety. If Tom will ever find her, I'd like it to be at an older age when she can decide for herself." He said softly, though very worried.

"What is that supposed to mean? Albus, he can never find her. She's his opportunity for-" She stopped, shuddering at the thought.

Dumbledore placed a comforting hand on her shoulder before turning around and leaving.

Before Dumbledore got to Ireland, someone else apparated in the house. Vernon Peverell found Lillian's dead body first and gave a loud cry. He loved her more than she ever knew and seeing those beautiful eyes lifeless was breaking his heart.

His ears perked when he heard light movement in her room and pushed it open. He came face to face with a crying and scared Ophelia and followed her to her mother's side. The young girl cried even more at the sight of her mother's corpse and took refuge next to her body.

When Dumbledore entered, he found the house in a bad state. It was obvious someone searched wildly for something but he couldn't find it. He looked up and licked his lips nervously. Dumbledore knew what was up there and that sentiment of anticipation was cringing.

Crouched next to a dead body was a scared little girl who didn't know who to trust. Dumbledore walked towards her slowly and bent in front of her. His eyes first fell over Lillian feeling conflicted with the way she died. However, she was such a smart and sly witch that she didn't give him the stone but placed it back where she took it from. Next, he turned towards the child. Ophelia looked like a chubby version of her mother, extremely cute yet her eyes were giving off a different vibe. Dumbledore looked closely at the girl, a bit reluctant to help her. That was Tom's child and there were high chances for her to follow her father later on; those eyes were a sign. But Dumbledore couldn't find it in himself to leave her in misery.

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