Chapter 97

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Rabastan was tired. He had to leave the castle twice a week in order to help his fellow Death Eaters with missions all around Britain. He was lucky enough to be paired up with Lucius several times, which gave them the opportunity to catch up on what has been happening in their lives.

"You're getting married sooner than I thought." Rabastan begun while on their way to a cottage right outside Kent. They were supposed to be searching for a family of purebloods and more or less convince them to join Voldemort.

"I'm just doing my share of responsibilities." He replied looking ahead.

"But you, unlike my brother, like your future wife. Narcissa is different from the rest of her family. Nicer."

Lucius chuckled and pat Rabastan's shoulder with sympathy.

"Anyone is better than Bella. But your brother is a good match for her. They're both very alike."

Rabastan laughed and then his mind went back to the subject that he's been trying to avoid around Lucius.

"What do you think will happen at Christmas?"

"What do you mean?"

"He told me he wants her there, at our house, locked away in a room. What if he kills her?" Rabastan mumbled feeling anxious. His meetings with the Dark Lord have taken quite a toll on him.

"Don't underestimate Ophelia. She is his daughter. If you look into her eyes for long enough, you will see that she and Voldemort are not that different." Lucius explained, knowing well how both had the same effect on people. "I'm intrigued though. She hates you now so why go and spy on her at school?"

"I have my reasons," Rabastan replied before they reached the cottage. It looked as if a tornado just ravaged the house and the land around it. "They fled. They knew we were coming."

"The Dark Lord won't be happy..." Lucius said feeling the chill of death down his spine.

Sirius Black has always been carried away by his instinct. He believed that gut will never disappoint him and he was right, most of the time. When he returned to school and looked after his brother at the Slytherin table, he did not see him. When classes began and he expected to see Regulus in the Great Hall, or even in corridors, he did not see him. Regulus was there but he was avoiding Sirius therefore the older brother could only do one thing: stalk Regulus, and even Snape sometimes because the two were spending quite a lot of time together.

Since they had more free time, Sirius made it his mission to try and find out if Regulus has become a Death Eater or is planning to do it soon. From an outside point of view, however, he looked incredibly suspicious and he wasn't even good at hiding himself.

"What are you doing?"

Sirius jolted, not expecting someone to breathe down his neck. He turned quickly and faced a person he did not know how to act with.


Rabastan was preparing for his apparition lesson in an old classroom when he noticed black hair just outside the door. The two boys stared at each other with different thoughts. Rabastan was simply curious but Sirius was intrigued just what about the Slytherin was so great that it hurt Ophelia so badly.

"You're not that impressive." Came out aloud instead of in his head. Rabastan raised an eyebrow in response. "Except for the height and some muscle, you are rather blunt aren't you, Lestrange?"


Sirius bit his lip and truly seemed to analyze the former student. Indeed, Rabastan was a tall man and he used to be buff during school but from the looks of it, he lost quite a lot of weight. He had short black hair and blue eyes and in Sirius' mind, he looked a lot like a Doberman, especially when he was searching for one brunette in the Hall. Compared to him, Sirius was more of a black German shepherd. Actually, he couldn't believe that he just compared himself with Lestrange, it wasn't as if it mattered anyway. Rabastan didn't return only to watch Ophelia...right? And it wasn't as if it bothered him since it wasn't even proven that he was a spy in the castle. But for some reason, Sirius couldn't stop wondering just what was so great about Rabastan.

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