Chapter 63

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At a few minutes after midnight, Potter sneaked out of his dorm and went down into the common room. Ophelia was already there dressed in her dark pajamas and she looked like she hadn't gone to sleep to begin with.

"How long have you been here for?"

"Fifteen minutes. I had a nightmare." she said yet not going into further details.

Potter nodded and took something that he was hiding behind his back. Ophelia watched carefully as the boy wrapped the cloak around him up to his neck and she gasped.

"I present you the Invisibility Cloak, Molley. Best suited for mischief." He said before he opened it and urged her to get in.

"This is so odd," she whispered once they were safely covered and out in the wilderness. She was busy holding the light while he was taking the lead. "How did your father come to have such a cloak, anyway?"

"Family heirloom. He told me I should take care of it and make good use of it, all with a knowing glint in his eyes."

"Or maybe he had second thoughts." She mumbled after which he 'coincidentally' hit her with his elbow while trying to keep himself covered.

The way to the library had never been so long before. They moved slowly, had to be careful where to turn and when to go down the stairs and in the end, not be caught. It was an achievement how nothing happened.

"Now, restricted section, books about old events that happened in Hogwarts." Ophelia mumbled to herself. She was curious if Idris was just a victim like Spinnard or he was the actual murderer. "We don't need the cloak anymore." She said as she sneaked out of it.

"What exactly should we look for? It's not like they let past registries in the library, do they?" Potter asked, patting his lip thoughtfully. "Or maybe we should look at the old magazines. I bet all my allowance there was a reporter that wrote about it."

Ophelia looked up at her colleague and blinked, thinking over and over about Spinnard's room and scandal.

"The Daily Prophet might had actually covered the story and with a bit of luck we only need to look at one particular month of the year." She added thinking how once Potter was busy searching she could also look for something.

The shelves were full of books, about all kind of potions or dark magic, there was everything one could imagine and yet there was not even one register that concerned the school. No matter how much they searched, nothing conclusive came out.

"This is not going the way I expected." Potter moaned, leaning back with a pout. He was visibly growing tired and his expectation lowered by half.

"Do you think that maybe someone interfered and erased that article? I mean, what if there was something more that we don't know of?" Ophelia asked still looking through newspapers.

"We don't know anything anyway. Maybe I should ask my father about it."

"But what if Idris altered your father's memory?" She asked without thinking how the boy would take such a supposition.

"Who would even think of doing something so dangerous?"

Ophelia looked up and found herself with a name on her lips even if she didn't say it.

They kept searching for another 30 minutes before Potter's whines became louder and annoying. She rolled her eyes and eventually gave in but she did look through one more newspaper of the day her mother died. It was on the front page with a picture of Lillian from when she was younger. It said Tragedy in Ireland. Lillian Gaunt, descendant of Salazar Slytherin, died of unexpected causes. Ophelia tried to keep her offense at the title to herself but Potter suddenly appeared behind her and took a peek over her shoulder.

Through Her Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें