Chapter 104

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It was well-known information that the Potters were going to leave the house in the responsible hands of their son, who was going to throw a New Year party. Fleamont Potter could imagine his house burning in flames already but he also believed that the kids would be careful just so that they wouldn't draw the attention of Death Eaters. Ophelia's safety meant a lot to the boys, at least Fleamont Potter could trust that.

"Alright, listen here you three, do not use magic. If you need something, either ask Dylis or do it the muggle way. Ophelia, please do not enter the kitchen. Sirius, do not think for one moment that the neighbors won't notice a flying motorbike, because they will and the whole city will know by the end of the day. And James..." Mr. Potter sopped and sighed as he looked into the puppy eyes of his son. He truly seemed innocent at that moment, but he knew better. "Try to be a normal teenager for once."

Ophelia chuckled as James blinked in confusion. The Potters left and once their car was out of sight and out of hearing distance, James turned to his friends with sparkling eyes.

"Let's get ready for the paartyy~" he sang, jumping around with excitement. "Dylis, are you here?" He asked, opening the door to the kitchen.

"You do realize that Dylis is not a house elf, right? He is busy living his own life." Ophelia interfered, glancing into the kitchen over James' shoulder.

"I know, but that means we have to do everything ourselves. It's not easy moving furniture." James replied, grumpy that his magical source was not there.

"Why would we need to do that anyway?" Ophelia asked.

It was just an hour later when Ophelia found her answer. Apparently, James needed a bit more space in order to make the living room of his house into a dancing ring. Sirius did not let Ophelia move a finger, instead, she was supposed to go buy snacks. It took her a while since she didn't really know her way around and Potter's directions proved unhelpful. But when she entered the house, she was surprised to see how much space they freed, and how they arranged the tables and the couch so that they could sit, if they wanted to.

"Great, you're here! Go and bring some plates and-" James stopped as he saw Ophelia in her own little world, while she was looking around. "...I really miss Dylis," he muttered.

By the time their friends arrived, James and Sirius had everything ready. They were both in the kitchen, placing the snacks in bowls when James turned to his best friend.

"What?" Sirius asked having no idea what was going through his mind.

"Aren't you going to do it?"

"Do what?" Sirius asked not looking up.

"Confess. To Ophelia."

"Why would I do that?" he asked, blushing at the idea.

"Because you like her? Mate, I can see that, everyone can except Ophelia, of course. She is tense when it comes to emotions in general." James commented, thinking of himself to be a connoisseur of his best friends.

"...I never said that,"

"Really, Sirius? Who do you think you're talking to? It's obviously getting out of your control. She may actually reciprocate your feelings seeing how she is wearing your necklace everywhere."

Sirius' cheeks reddened even more at the mention of his Christmas present. He really spent quite a bit on that necklace but he knew she will love it. Besides, he just felt really bad for her every time he looked at her ring, which was clearly Slytherin-ish. She needed something to remind her of who she is not who her father wants her to be.

"Don't think too much, Sirius. Just follow your gut,"

"We'll see what happens..." Sirius mumbled, not wanting to share his plans for the night with his best friend. Not yet.

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