Chapter 7

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Even though Ophelia didn't quite like that she didn't get sorted into Slytherin, Gryffindor didn't seem bad either. Lily was making friends fast while she was standing next to a very animated boy.

"Hey, Sirirus, look here!" A boy with messy brown hair and glasses told the boy with black locks.

Unlike what she was expecting, the glasses boy used magic to make a few chicken wings squirm in the mouth of a fellow student. The victim's eyes widened and spilled the food on the table, right in front of Ophelia. She looked disgusted.

Once the feast finished and Dumbledore gave them a welcoming speech, Ophelia followed the rest of the Gryffindors out and up towards the common room. When she walked out, she passed the Slytherin table, which still had students here and there. One of them was Severus, whose eyes fell over his hands when he noticed her heavy gaze over him.

"Hello again!"

Ophelia's head spun around, hitting a passing Ravenclaw straight in the face with her hair.

"Remus, right?" She asked, narrowing her eyes in concentration.

The boy smiled and nodded, glad that she remembered his name and probably grateful that someone he met, even briefly, was in the same house.

"Your friend was sorted into Slytherin." He trailed, glancing back swiftly. "You don't have to worry. You can still speak to each other. It's not like you're forbidden to meet." Remus added, trying to sound encouraging.

Ophelia looked at him, so closely that he felt like she was ready to jump on him, before she averted her eyes and started to play with her robes.

"I don't know much about magic. Listening to Severus, it made me wonder just how much there is to learn." She mumbled, "I wanted to learn everything together."

"You will. You're friends, aren't you? The house doesn't matter."

That word, friends, seemed to trigger something in her mind. It was a vague word that defined the relationship between two people that had a few things in common. Quite platonic, in her point of view, especially when she would only talk when she felt the need to ask something or she wanted something. Yes, friends was a intriguing word for Ophelia.

The common room of the Gryffindor house was in the tower, the entrance being concealed by the Fat Lady portrait. Ophelia didn't ask anything about the Lady and decided she should search for her room and hid there for the rest of the night.

Inside, it was full of squashy armchairs, tables, and a bulletin board where school notices, ads, lost posters, etc. can be posted. It was decorated in several shades of red, which was associated with the house. The common room seemed comfortable, with many windows that looked out onto the grounds of the school, and a large fireplace dominating one wall. The mantle of the fireplace was adorned with a portrait of a lion. The walls were decorated with scarlet tapestries that depict witches and wizards, but also various animals. Altogether, it made Ophelia gasp and foxy green eyes sparkle.

"Pretty amazing, isn't it?" Remus asked, coming next to her, his brown eyes holding the same sparkle as hers.

The Gryffindor dormitories were also located in the Tower, with two doors leading off from the common room that open to spiral staircases. One of them obviously led to the girls' dormitory, the other to the boys'.

Ophelia was was still looking around when Lily came and told her to come and chek their dormitory. Well, it was definitely spacious up there and they had four beds, bigger than Ophelia had back with the Molleys. Their luggage was already there, each trunk in front of every bed. Lily chose the one closest to the bathroom while two more girls entered the room, smiling at the redhead and brunette.

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