Chapter 12

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Next morning, Ophelia woke up in the Hospital Wing under the intense, watchful big brown eyes of a person that she did not meet before. Seeing how she was tucked in the hospital bed so tightly that she could barely move, she shifted a bit in order to get a clear view around her.

"Madame Pomfrey asked me to watch over for a while and instructed me not to let you move." The girl explained warmly.

Those brown eyes of hers were staring at Ophelia closely, inspecting her face for any kind of wound or slight crease that would be a reason to worry. But Ophelia was completely fine, not a trace of physical abuse –not even emotional abuse. So then, why was Molly asked by Dumbledore to come and check on Madame Pomfrey's only patient?

"I'm Molly. We're in the same house but I am one year older." She finally introduced herself seeing how Ophelia was blankly staring at her, "Would you like some chocolate?" She asked when silence filled the room.

Ophelia blinked owlishly as Molly opened her bag and grabbed what was a handful of chocolate frogs before placing them on the table next to her head. The brunette shifted once again, signing to Molly that she couldn't get up or move her hands.

"Ah right. They tucked you in pretty tightly, haven't they?" Molly mumbled loosening the covers and helping Ophelia lean against the mattress. "Here," The ginger gave the patient one chocolate frog before she sat on a nearby chair and smiled.

"Thank you. This is very good, actually." Ophelia mumbled, nodding towards the new acquaintance.

Molly's smile widened but she didn't say anything, just stayed there until the doors opened loudly and an elegant yet firm woman hurried inside.

"How could he not tell me; one of my students..." She muttered as soon as she entered.

Professor McGonagall went straight to Ophelia's bed and smiled at Molly before she turned to the brunette. "I heard you fell down the stairs last night. How could that be possible?"

Ophelia had only one answer, that might be working yet had the same fifty percent chances for it not to.


McGonagall sighed loudly and held her head in astonishment.

"I will have a talk with Albus about that poltergeist." She started, making Ophelia feel a sudden wave of guilt.

"He didn't push me, only scared me and I fell. It wasn't entirely his fault." Ophelia added, playing nervously with the wrapping of the candy.

Professor McGonagall furrowed her eyebrows at the brunette student, having quite a hard time understanding how a perfectly capable young girl could fall down the stairs when there was magic all around her. Besides, even if she wasn't aware of it, she had her mother's talent and it should have kicked in unconsciously.

"Well, it still doesn't absolve him of scaring you. Are you alright now?" McGonagall asked her voice hoarse since she probably woke up less than an hour before hurrying there.

Ophelia nodded, having no memory of what exactly happened that got her in the hospital wing in the first place. Actually, the last thing she remembered was walking towards the Entrance Hall after a very nasty comment thrown at her by Potter.

"Do everything Madame Pomfrey instructs you to and I guess I'll see you in class." The professor started, taking a long look at Ophelia before she turned to Molly, "You should hurry to your lessons, Prewett. Professor Sprout was looking for you."

Molly's eye widened as she gasped and nodded before grabbing her bag and running out the door. McGonagall waited for Molly to leave before she glanced at Ophelia worriedly and sighed.

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