Chapter 47

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Entering Slughorn's office was easier than dragging a luggage down into the dungeons without drawing much attention. Thankfully, a lot of students left right after lunch and the path was clearer but most Gryffindors didn't, which made sneaking out of the common room a lot harder.

Lucius was standing in front of the chimney, tapping his foot anxiously, reminding himself that all his efforts will be rewarded one day. When the door opened and in walked Ophelia, he realized the girl was not using magic for herself at all. He waved his wand and all her luggage flew towards him, letting her take a break.

"I should have done that from the beginning," she mumbled, taking a moment to regain her breath.

Lucius rolled his eyes and grabbed a little sack from inside his robes' pocket. Ophelia walked next to him and they both stared at the empty space. Ophelia took a long breath in and exhaled even slowly, nervousness eating her from the inside. Maybe staying with the Malfoys, she will see her father for longer than an hour under casual circumstances, not training like a war was coming. On the other side, Lucius was wondering if the usual Christmas dinner with the Blacks will take place this year too, because that might turn out to be very troublesome. If more people would find out about Ophelia's father, just how would that influence the rest of the purebloods? That question was nerve wracking.

"Are we going or-" the witch asked, tilting her head so she could look straight into Lucius' eyes.

The blond nodded and took a handful of powder before stepping with his luggage inside the chimney.

"Speak loud and clear, just like I do, or else who knows where you will end up." Lucius stated firmly before he gave her the sack, "Malfoy Manor."

Just like before with Cerberus, once throwing the powder, green fire erupted and the person disappeared. Next was Ophelia, who hardly pushed everything inside the chimney before she followed Lucius' example.

The place she arrived at was definitely bigger than Spinnard's cottage, maybe as big as the Scotland Yard building. The hall she stepped into was large but not well decorated; there was an enormous chandelier with what she believed were crystals hanging above the room, straight in the center; two armchairs were placed on each side of the chimney and a few feet in front was a long table where more than one family could eat. But the rest, it was empty space and empty walls showing no real affinity for details or any emotion.

"Follow me," said Lucius, who was leaning against one of the armchairs.

Looking down, Ophelia realized that suddenly she felt very empty: house elves were taking her trunk and one of them seemed to have a few issues with Willy's cage. Seeing how there was no way she could tell them she could manage by herself, she followed Lucius silently.

The mansion was a real piece of history as they moved through it. The corridors were dim lit, doors were on each and every side and so were house elves, cleaning every corner of the house. Lucius led Ophelia to the second floor where he walked a bit more until he stopped in front of a door and opened it.

"This is your room." he said.

Ophelia took a peek inside and saw the same house elves from before having an intense stare-down with Willy. Except that, the bedroom looked freshly cleaned, the bed was big enough for three people and the dresser was taller than Dumbledore. Just like the rest of the house, it was missing substance but then again, this room was probably for guests.

"Father is busy tonight so we'll have dinner separately. It will be brought to your room so unpack and-" he had no idea what else to say. He had no idea what she liked to do or how she liked to spend her free time, which may cause him trouble with her father later on.

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