He holds for the first time

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ZAYN: "Zayn do you want to hold him?" You ask your husband while rocking baby Noah in your arms, "what if I drop him? Or hit his head on the door or something" he panics, "it won't happen trust me." You giggle and hand Noah over to his dad. "Hey my beautiful boy" Zayn coos while stroking Noah's cheek, "he looks a lot like you Zayn" you smile, Zayn nods his head and smiles widely. Noah starts to fuss in Zayn's arms and he starts to panic again, "oh my gosh, he's gonna cry I don't know what to do" he says, "calm down and rock him side to side" you simply say, Zayn nods and starts to rock his baby boy. Noah's cries die down and eventually stop, "babe look I got him to sleep" Zayn whispers, "I told you it would be ok" you laugh, "I love you both so much" He smiles, "I love you too"

LIAM: Liam has been staring into Ashton's bed for about half an hour, "Liam why do you keep staring at him like that? He's going to get confused" you say, Liam turns around to face you with a worried look on his face, "I want to hold him" He whispers, "hold him then" you laugh, "but what if he didn't like me, you know if he starts crying because I'm holding him" Liam says biting his nails, "Liam he will love you" you smile and pick up Ashton, "sh baby boy" you whisper, "good boy" you giggle, then you hand him over to Liam, "you can" you say, he nods and takes Ashton from your arms. "He's starting to fuss" Liam panics, "where's his dummy?" He says, you smile to yourself because he already knows what to do. Liam puts his dummy in Ashton's mouth and he slowly starts to fall asleep. "Look he's sleeping" Liam smiles fondly, Ashton cuddles closer to Liam's chest while Liam hugs him tighter.

NIALL: "Ni, can you take Ciara for me?" You ask already holding both Ciara and Phoebe. "Um I don't know" he says pausing the TV, "what? Why not?" You say slightly annoyed, "they won't like me" he says embarrassed, "they'll love you. They already do" you laugh, he nods and takes Ciara from your arms. "She's so beautiful. They're both so beautiful" Niall smiles, "I think Phoebe looks more like you" you giggle staring down at the other baby girl in your arms, "I'm just glad they aren't identical, I would worry if I knew who was who" Niall laughs, "Sh princess don't cry. I'm your daddy" he smiles down at Ciara. She stops fussing and falls asleep in Niall's arms, "I love them so much" Niall smiles while placing both girls in the nursery to sleep. "And I love you too" he laughs, "I love you more" you kiss him sweetly.

LOUIS: "What's this Danny? Is it a football?" Louis giggles holding up a football to his son on the couch, Daniel reaches out for it but can't do anything yet. "You are going to be such an amazing son" Louis coos kissing his cheek. "I can't wait for everyone to meet you. They're gonna love you" he laughs and picks up Daniel. "Lou can you-" you stop mid sentence seeing Louis holding Daniel for the first time, "what's wrong love?" He asks turning around to face you with the biggest smile placed on his face, "nothing. You're holding him for the first time" you smile widely at your husband and newborn son. "Oh yeah so I am" he laughs and rocks Daniel in his arms, "hey baby boy, you mean everything to me. I love you so much and I'll never let anything happen to you" Louis smiles and kisses Daniels forehead. "Louis you are the perfect husband and the perfect dad. I'm so lucky to have you" you whisper, "no love, I'm so lucky to have you" he grins and kisses your cheek sweetly.

HARRY: "Where's my little girl?" Harry asks walking inside your house, he jogs over to you and Darcy, "can I hold her?" He asks after giving you a welcoming kiss on the lips. "Course you can" you laugh and hand her over to Harry. "Hey beautiful girl, have you been behaving for mummy?" He coos and kisses her cheek. "Yeah she's been quiet all day" you sigh, you walk over to the kitchen and make dinner, "I'm gonna show you around" he giggled and walks over to you in the kitchen, "this is the kitchen where mummy makes the best dinner ever" he says and you laugh, "now this is the movie room" he then goes upstairs, "this is mummy and daddy's room" he says smiling and walking over to the nursery, "this is your bedroom for now" he giggles "but..when you get older this will be your room" he says entering the spare big bedroom. "This is the games room" he says and walks over to the garden, "this is where you and me will play all the time. We have parties with all your uncles here, they can't wait to meet you Darce" he smiles and kisses her forehead. "She's so beautiful" You say walking over to your husband and daughter, "So beautiful" he says. You kiss both their cheeks and smile sweetly.

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