He leaves for tour

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Niall: "I'm going to miss you so much." He said tightly wrapping both of his arms around you pulling you as close as he could and burying his head in your neck. He tightly closed his eyes not allowing that little tear to fall out of them. And he kissed you like it's his last time seeing you, and he knows it is. Maybe not forever, but it will pass so much time until he sees you again. "Goodbye" He said walking away but turning around to look at you for one last time before loosing you in the crowd of people.

Zayn: "I love you always remember that." He tried to speak loud, but his voice came out as a whisper allowing only you to hear him. He didn't want to whisper, but his voice didn't allow him to be louder; he new that he would brake down in tears if he tried to speak any louder. It was hard for him just as it was hard to you. He kissed you one last time before leaving; he knew that this will be only a memory of you that will be stuck in his mind for next few months, but memories couldn't keep him warm at night like you could.

Louis: His hands traveled at your back pulling your body as close as possible to him, his head burying in your neck. He didn't want to speak, he knew that what he said now would be the last memory he said to you before he left. He deeply inhaled your scent and he didn't exactly know why he did that, but it reminded him of all that beautiful moments he spent with you; the first kiss, the first date, all of those things that made him fall in love with you, the first 'I love you', and now, it was time for one last 'I love you' before he leaves.

Liam: Goodbye. It's really odd how some little word can have so strong meaning. It's the last thing someone says before leaving, and after you say it, you know it's over, that you're leaving. And Liam knew that so he refused to say it until he was sure that he needs to leave; he wanted to make his time he could spend with you at least few second longer."I love you." He hugged you and tightly held you trying to remember that moment because he knew that it would be his last memory of you for next few months. "Goodbye."

Harry: His strong arms tightly wrapped around your body not allowing you to move, soft hair, tickling a side of your neck as he buried his head deeper in it.It seemed like everything around you froze and became invisible; nothing mattered more to you than him at that moment. He didn't want to move because it would mean that he had to leave you all alone without him to protect you in this cold world."I love you so much." He whispered in your neck. "Everything's going to be fine. We'll be together again before you even know it." He added trying to comfort you but it sounded more like he wanted to convince himself.

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