You find the ring

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Harry: It was an accident; you were hanging up his jeans when it fell off his pocket. Finding it hard to breathe, you took the shining object between your thumb and forefinger, studying it. "Oh my God." You speak to yourself "He's going to propose." Your mind gets filled with questions, like 'Why hasn't he asked me yet?' 'Did he regret buying it?' "Well, this isn't how I had pictured it." A raspy voice interrupts your thoughts. Harry's standing by the door, arms crossed to his chest, trying to guess what your next move will be. He walks towards you and props down on one knee, taking your hand in his "I have been thinking what the perfect way would be for a long time, but it doesn't really matter; the only thing that's important is your answer. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"

Liam: You were actually searching for it, he had been seen leaving a jewelry store not so long ago and the wait was eating you alive. "Aha!" you yell in victory after finding the little blue square box in his underwear drawer. Then you're not exactly sure whether you should open it or not. He had hidden it so well, it was obvious he didn't want you to find it, and he had been extremely moody after the pictures of him leaving the store had been published. You sigh; still debating with yourself what you should do "Fuck this shit!" you let out, carefully placing the box where you had found it. It turns out, Liam asked you to marry him that same night, with a candle light dinner and violinists playing around you; just like in the movies.

Louis: You had actually found the blue velvet box in his back pocket a few days ago as you were doing some laundry. Gulping loudly, you sat on the floor, admiring the piece of jewelry resting between your fingers. Tears of happiness invaded your eyes as a grin appeared on your lips. Louis was going to propose to you, ask you to spend the rest of your lives together, to start a family. You had never felt as complete and excited as you were at that moment. You placed the box back into its place carefully and jumped into your boyfriend's arms when he got home; of course he didn't complain about the extra love you showed him that night.

Niall: And you freak out. You had been only dating for a month, so why on Earth would he buy a ring so soon? You were feeling chilly so you grabbed his jacket, and as you placed your hands inside the pockets to keep them warm, you felt something inside. Of course you had never thought it would be a ring. It's only been a month, for Christ's sake! "Y/N!" You turn around, your eyes trying to find the source of the voice. Your boyfriend's standing in front of you, his hands on his head and tears threatening to leave his eyes at any second "You weren't supposed to find that, I'm sorry." You engulf him in a hug, tracing soothing patterns on his back "It's okay, but this is just too soon." His calloused fingers cup your face "I know Princess, but I also know you're the one."

Zayn: And it's stressing you so badly! You found it a few days ago and to the day he still hasn't proposed. You then decide to take matters into your own hands, grabbing your coat you head to your car and drive to the studio where the boys were recording their newest song. Zayn's eyes light up when he sees you, his hand signaling you to wait for him. "Hey baby!" he gives you a chaste kiss on the lips "What a lovely surprise!" "Why haven't you asked me to marry you yet?" "What?!" he asked, completely confused and disoriented. "I found the ring last week." You explain "Have you changed your mind?" Your boyfriend shook his head as his right hand searches for something on his back pocket "You mean this?" he shows you the exact same ring you had seen before "I actually made a dinner reservation and was planning to ask you then, but everything with you is an adventure." He says as he props down on one knee "Will you marry me, my love?"

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