You attend the other boys wedding

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NIALL: "Why do these kinds of things always take so long?" Niall complains again. He takes another gulp of his beer and sinks down lower into his seat. "Oh, knock it off. This is Liam's wedding! What are you being so whiny about?" you reprimand. "I'm hungry! We've been here for hours already and they haven't brought out dinner yet." You let out a laugh. "Oh my God. Niall Horan, you just ate cheese and crackers, you can wait a little while longer. Everyone is out there on the dance floor enjoying their time. Now, let's go join them," you insist, pulling Niall to his feet. You drag him out to the dance floor, and he's soon dancing away and having a good time with you. He quickly forgets all about his hunger when the other boys join you on the dance floor and you all have a great laugh together. It isn't until the food is actually being served that Niall once again brings it up. "This is the best wedding ever! This food looks fantastic!" You giggle a bit as he begins to dig in. Liam looks down from his spot in the middle of the wedding party table and gives you a grin and a thumbs up when he sees Niall is finally humored.

LIAM: "I've never been to such a fun wedding," Liam muses as he sits back, taking a bit of a break from the excitement for a minute. "Well, did you expect anything less? Afterall, this is Louis' wedding! When have you ever known him to do things subtley?" you ask fondly. Your friend and his new blushing bride really had pulled off an insanely fun wedding. "Come on you two, on the dance floor!" Louis demands, grabbing each of you by the arm and pulling you away from the table. You're both laughing as you find yourselves in the middle of a group doing the Macarena. Liam, try as he might, just can't get into the groove and his moves are all over the place. This causes you to laugh harder before Louis jumps in to give him a little "hands-on" tutorial. The looks on the boys' faces are priceless, only adding to the memories this day is creating.

LOUIS: Louis stands up, clinking his glass and gaining the attention of the rest of the guests. Once he's got everyone's undivided attention he slaps his hand on Harry's shoulder and announces, "As you all know, this goofy-looking lad and this gorgeous lady are now bonded together for all eternity. I'm sorry for that, by the way," Louis directs towards the bride, receiving a laugh from his audience. "In all honesty though, if I have to share him with anyone, I'm glad it's [name]. Especially since she puts up with all of our pranks and games. Alright, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet and just say: Congrats to the both of you - I wish you nothing but the best and many happy years to come." Later on in the evening, Harry takes a moment whie his bride is off mingling to approach you and Louis as you're dancing. "May I cut in?" he questiosn formally. You and Louis separate and Harry is quick to jump in, taking Louis in his arms. This receives a boisterous laugh from everyone around you, and the photographer starts snapping away. "Great speech, mate!" Harry tells him happily as they sway back and forth to the music. Louis leans in and plants a giant kiss to Harry's cheek. "And you two wonder why your fans call you Larry Stylinson... I sure hope these pictures get leaked," you tease as Harry attempts to dip Louis.

HARRY: Harry takes another swig of his beer as he watches the people around the room with a smile on his face. "Having a good time?" you question, coming up from behind him to join him at the table. "I am. And Zayn seems to be too - I've never seen him actually smile for so many pictures before," he notes. You laugh and nudge his shoulder playfully before taking a seat in his lap, sipping at your glass of wine as you do. You both watch the crowd for several more minutes before you start laughing and point out to Harry, "Look at that - Zayn's attempting to dance." Harry lets out a loud laugh. "That's proof right there how in love with this girl he is! He needs a few more drinks in him though before he can pull off some of those moves." You laugh once more before stepping off his lap, placing your wine glass donw, and tugging him to his feet to go dance with you. You both join the other boys and their dates on the dance floor, all working together to poke fun at Zayn's dance moves.

ZAYN: "Look at how happy he is," you coo, watching on as Niall and his new wife share their first dance. "Our little Nialler sure is smitten with this girl. She better realize how lucky she is," Zayn states protectively. You smile and tuck your arm through Zayn's. "She does. Believe me, she definitely does. She has said to me on more than one occasion that she can't believe how lucky she is to have someone as wonderful as him in her life." Zayn smiles for a moment before his expression falls and he looks at you. "Well, wait, I'm pretty wonderful aren't I? You're lucky to have me in your life, right?" You pat his chest condescendingly. "Yes, yes, of course you are," you sarcastically feed his ego, "but this is their day, so just put your vanity aside for a moment and let them enjoy the attention, yeah?" Zayn chuckles. "Alright, alright, I suppose I could," he tells you goodnaturedly as he leans down to kiss your cheek lovingly.

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