I love you y/n

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Harry: It was coming up to Lux's second birthday and Harry only had this week off and he wanted to spend time with his favourite princess. It was your idea to take her out and around London, picnic in the park, a ride around the London eye. You all left from Harry's house mid morning with you pushing the pram and Harry having Lux on his hip. "Uncle Hawee?" Lux questioned. "Yes Princess?" She put both her hands on Harry's cheeks squishing them. "We going to London?" He bobbed his head. After you made your way to the London Eye and went around it was time for lunch you all went to the closest park and laid out two picnic blankets as home base. But as soon as Harry placed Lux on the ground she rushed over on her little legs to the playground, but you were right behind her and picked her up and kissed her chubby cheek. "What are you doing chickadee?" "Playing." You chuckled. "Let's go back to Uncle Harry and eat then we can play." After we had eaten our food, Harry and I grabbed one of Lux's hand and we walked over to the playground and watched as she ran around the playground after half an hour she started to tire and Harry carried her over to me. "Someone is sleepy, we need to take her home." Lux rubbed her eyes. I packed up our little picnic and we started out walk home. "You are really great with her Harry." His face reddened at your compliment. "Well, this is all practise for when we have kids." This time you looked away shyly, silence staying until you reached back to Harry's house.

Liam: Both you and Liam just needed to get away from it all and what better way then to the Bahamas. You both spent most days on the beach in your swim wear with hardly anyone bothering you, just the occasional fan wanting a photo but Liam asked them if they could reframe from posting the photos onto social media. It was your final night of your vacation and you and Liam walked hand in hand down the sand just as the sun was setting, giving off a nice glow over the horizon with the pinks and oranges swirling into each other. "Do we have to go back tomorrow?" You questioned. You hear a sigh leave Liam's lips. "We do. I have some interviews in a few days I need to be at." You looked down at your feet as they would slowly disappear into the sand with each step you took. "I just miss you Liam and I only just got you back." Liam's hand tightened around yours. "(Y/N) you will always have me. Just keep moments like this in your mind and how happy you are." You look at him and the sun illuminates his face. "You mean the sand between my toes, the breeze in my hair and the smell of the ocean air?" He gave you a crooked smirk. "I think you are forgetting one important thing on that list." Your brows furrowed. "And that would be?" His hair was being pushed by the sea breeze. "ME!" You faced back out to the horizon where only the very top of the sun was still visible. "Silly boy. You make me more then happy, you give me something to fight for and be passionate about." You both stop and face the sun as it disappears completely for another day.

Louis: You had been spending a lazy day at home watching movies and wearing sweats and a jumper when there was a knock at your front door. You pulled the door open and there was your boyfriend Louis standing there. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "What are you doing here?" He chuckled. "Well, if you go and get change we are going on a date to the street carnival." You shook your head, not wanting to leave the comfort of your house. "There are supposed to be fireworks." You slitted your eyes. "Fine, give me 15 minutes." You quickly put on jeans and a jumper with a black beanie covering your hair because you couldn't be bothered doing anything with it. You meet Lou at the bottom of the stairs. "Let's go." You walked out hand in hand into the cool London streets and were walking 5 minutes before you could begin to hear the music and the screams of joy from the festival goers. Lou pulled you into his side, "What do you want to do?" You smiled. "I just want to walk with you." Arms wrapped around each waist, you observe the passer byres and laugh at the jokes Lou whispers into your ear. You finally make it to the area where the fireworks were going to take place. Louis stands behind you and rests his head on your shoulders, his hands wrap around your middle. You watch as the burst of colours appear in the sky and Lou just kept pressing you tighter into his front. "I love you (Y/N). Thank you for making me happy." You turn in his arms. "It's not hard when you make me the happiest I have ever been."

Niall: You loved going back to your small hometown and bringing Niall along with you, not only did your family and friends love him almost as much as you did but he liked how he could just be him and not the 'famous' him that world is privy to knowing. You were able to walk down the main road hand in hand and be able to enjoy the nice spring weather of mid 20 degree's. "This is so nice (Y/N), I am so glad that we are here and able to relax for the next few days." You wrap your arm around his waist. "We can come back here whenever, you know that." Niall pulls you into his side and kisses your temple. "I know." You spend the rest of the day holding hands, telling secrets and just being with each other before he leaves again and these moments will be all that keep you going until you are with him again.

Zayn: Zayn wanted to spend as much time as he could with you before he had to go travelling all over the world for the other legs of the tour. You both walked around the halls of the O2 arena until you reached the stage and seating area, Zayn pulled you into his side. "It's so unreal to think that in a few short hours this place will be full of fans here for me and the boys." You looked around the place that holds a capacity of over 15,000 people. "They all love you and just support you in your dreams. So just be happy and embrace it because way down the line you won't be able to do this often." You both walked a little longer through the aisles just soaking everything in. "Performing on stage is the second best feeling in the world, the best feeling is being with you and just knowing I would give this all up in a heartbeat if you asked me too." You pulled him to a halt and you stood on the next step and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I would never ask you to give up your dreams, they make you way to happy." His lip jutted out. "You make me happy too."

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