What he texts you on tour

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Liam -


Hey love, I miss youuu! The boys and all say hi :)

We're in Australia having a blast, but I wish you were here with me ://

I got you the best gift eeeeever!! You'll love it ;)

I can't wait to see your beautiful face when I get back xx

I'll call you when I can, I love you <3

- Li Li xox

Harry -

2:09 am

Baaaabe, I miss your cuddles :( It's hard to sleep without them...

I can't wait until I have you back in my arms xx

Maybe then I can get some sleep... or maybe we won't sleep at all;)

Love you sosososo much!!!!!!!<3xox

- Hazzzza <333 :)))

Zayn -

9:32 pm

Just saw this girl who looked like you, and got so excited!

But then it wasn't so now I'm sad :(

I miss your voice babe, I miss your eyes, hair, smell, everything...

I promise I'll be home soon love, then I'll be happy xx

Love you always!!!

- Z xox :)

Louis -

6:22 am

BAAAABYYY!! I hate waking up without you next to me :((((

You need to come cuddle me so I'll be happy again..

When can you fly out to meet us? I miss you like CRAAAAZY!!!! xoxoxo

I love you and miss you SOOOOOO much!!! <333

- Loubear xxxx

Niall -

8:17 pm

Princess!!! I wrote you a song today!! xx

I was missing you and thinking about you so it just happened! :))

I can't wait to see you again so I can play it for you babe!

I'll call you when I get the chance <3

Oh, and the boys say hiiiiii :D

Love you and miss you so much princess!

- Niallerrr xox <3 ;)

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