You take a bath together

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HARRY: "Ughh, I'm so tired and sore!," you groaned as you walked through the door, Harry close behind. "I'm gonna go take a shower." "No no no no," Harry protested. "Harry, I stink." "I don't care if you stink, you'll still smell nice and you don't stink. You and I are going to take a bath together. Give me 5 minutes and I'll come get you." You nodded and pressed a kiss to your forehead before running off down the hall. You grabbed the container of cherries out of the fridge and started to eat as you waiting for Harry. 5 minutes later, Harry came into sight and grabbed your hands, pulling you with him. You walked into the bathroom, the smell to scented candles filled your nose. Rose petals were around the bath with the candles and bubbles sat on top of the water. "Harry, did you seriously do this in 5 minutes?" "It was 10 love." You blushed and Harry laughed. "Those cherries were so good," you said. "Come on, get undressed and don't worry, Ill wait until you're in the bath before I came back in. I'll be back." You nodded and got unchanged before getting in the bath. Harry turned up a couple seconds later, got unchanged and got into the bath. You put yourself in between his legs and leaned against his chest. "This is nice," Harry said. "Yeah," you mumbled, feeling your eyes beginning to close. "Go to sleep if you want love, I've got my phone to keep be occupied." You nodded and as Harry began to sing, you fell asleep in the warm water.

LIAM: "Yeah, I'm just going to hang up now because you're really starting to annoy me!" Liam hung up and threw his phone across the room. You watched as he began to pace the room. "You okay?," you asked as you looked up from the book. "Fine," he mumbled. You got up from the bed and walked over to him. "Hey, stop," you said, stopping his pacing. "Tell me what's going on?" "It's just tour and management is on all of our backs about this new album and promoting this new single and it's just too much." "Okay, sit here and I'll be right back." Liam sat on the bed and you walked into the bathroom. You poured water into the bathtub, filled it with bubbles and played soft music from your IPhone. "Liam! Come here!," you yelled. "What?!," you heard him groan. As he got into the bathroom, his mouth was left open. "Did you do this?," he asked. "Just something I did quickly, now come on, this will help you relax." You both got undressed and got into the bath together, facing each other while leaning against the bathtub. "You feeling a bit better?," you asked after a few minutes. He nodded. "I feel so much better, thank you." You smiled. "I'd do it again, anytime."

LOUIS: You looked up after turning the taps off and looked at the doorway. Louis was standing in the doorway with a snorkel in his mouth. "Louis, why are you wearing that?" "Because we're going swimming!," he yelled. He then hopped into the bath and you did the same. He put his head in the water and you felt something grab your foot. "Look, I found something," he said lifting his head from the water. He started tracing your foot and you giggled. "Lou, stop." "But it's a new treasure I found, I need to inspect it." You continue to giggle before he pulled you close to him. He lifted his finger to your cheek and started tracing your face. You pushed his hair out of his eyes as it got it the way. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. "And you're beautiful too," you smirked. He laughed. "I'm serious, you are beautiful." You blushed. "I love you." "I love you too," he whispered before pecking your lips.

NIALL: "Niall, I'm home!," you shouted as you walked into the house. No answer. "Niall, you home?!" Still no answer. You figured he wouldn't be home. As much as you wanted him here right now, you just needed some time to relax. You grabbed your pj's from your room before going it the bathroom. You opened the door to be greeted a smiling Niall in the bath. You jumped as you saw him, surprised. "Hey Princess, I decided to have a bath, and you're joining me. And I've got food," he said holding a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. You smiled. "You're so sweet," you said as you began to get undressed. You climbed into the bath and sat in front of him. He grabbed a strawberry and pressed it to your lips. You bit into it and smiled at him. "Did you make these or but them?" "I made them of course, I made it the special Niall Horan way." You laughed as you bit into it again. "Come here, I haven't had you in my arms," he said stretching his arms out and bringing you to his chest. You pressed your back to his chest and he wrapped his arms around your stomach. "Thank you, this was exactly I needed." "I figured you would, your boss called saying you were upset when you left work and to take the rest of the week off too." You looked at Niall. "Did she really say that?" "Would I lie to you?" You gleamed with happiness. "That means more time with you," you shrieked as he laughed. "For now, just relax," he said rubbing your shoulder gently as you laid back against him.

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ZAYN: You lifted your head off the bath as you heard the door creak open. Zayn walked into the room with floaties on his arms as well as goggles. "What are you wearing? We're not in the pool." "But what if I drown?" You laughed at his silliness and he began to taking his floaties and goggles off before getting into the bath with you. "How's your day been?," you asked. "It's been eventful. Eleanor's down here for a couple weeks which Louis is happy about." "I have to catch up with her." "Yeah, she really wants to see you. And..." You and Zayn talked for 20 minutes before you yawned. "Tired?" You shook your head. "Wanna cuddle in here for a bit?" You nodded and moved over to Zayn. You sat in between his legs as he held your hands and kissed your cheek. "We should do this more often." He hummed in agreement. "Hey, hurry up I need to have a shower!," Louis yelled outside the door. "Lou, go use Niall's shower!," Zayn yelled. "Fine." You laughed as you heard his footsteps depart. The room went quiet, the only nosies was both of yours slow breathing.

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