Niall - movie night

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"Let's watch a movie." Niall suggested.

"Alright. What movie? What time are we leaving?" You asked.

"How about we just stay home and watch a movie on Netflix."

"Sure. I'm fine with that. I didn't want to change anyways." You said laughing.

"I'll pick the movie alright? You can pop the popcorn."

"Okay." You skipped your way to the kitchen and popped the bag into the microwave, whistling as you wait. As you were waiting, you heard Niall.

"Ah. Perfect movie." Niall said.

"What movie are you picking?" You asked.

"It's a special one." Niall said winking. You rolled your eyes and went to grab the bag of popcorn. Niall plopped on the couch and you sat next to him. Niall pressed play and you opened the popcorn bag.

"That smells so good." Niall said, taking a wif.

"What movie is this Niall?"

The movie title appeared on the TV 'Insidious.'

"NIALL!!!!!" You yelled.

"What babe?"

"YOU KNOW I HATE HORROR FILMS!" You covered your face.

"Just this once." Niall begged you. You nodded your head and Niall laid his head on your shoulder.

"Please?" Niall asked. You sighed and turned around.

"Fine. Just this once though."

"Yay!" Niall gave you a kiss and put his arm around you.

During the whole movie you were jumping, screaming, and covering your eyes.

"This is the good part babe. Nothing scary happens!" Niall said, trying to take your hands away from your eyes.

"No! You said that last time!" You said.

"It was a joke. This time it's for reals." You peeked at the screen through your fingers. "See? Nothing bad." Niall said.

You uncovered your face and sighed heavily.

"RAH!" Nial yelled as he grabbed your waist.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" You fell off the couch and groaned as Niall died of laughter. "Ughhh. Niall! Don't do that! This is why I hate watching horror movies with you!" You stood up off the floor. "I'm going to bed." You huffed and walked down the dark hallway.

"Be careful, baby."

"Niall!!!" You ran back to the couch and covered your face.


"Don't say that! You're scaring me!"

"What?? All I said was to be careful. I didn't say anything!" You smacked Niall's arm and buried your face in Niall's chest. Niall patted your arm and kissed the top of your head.

"It's okay. I'm here to protect you." You giggled into Niall chest, making him laugh with you.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked. You looked up at him as he looked down at you.

"'I'll protect you.'" You said, mocking his accent.


"That's so cheesy."

"You don't like cheesy?"

"Not at all."

"Well that's too bad." Niall gave you a kiss on the cheek and you both continued watching the movie, and by both I mean you were hiding your face the whole time as Niall tried getting you to watch.

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