Your reunited after a long tour

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One Direction Life Part 2

LIAM: After his long-awaited return home, Liam is finally on his way. You're at the airport, anxiously anticipating his landing. You hadn't seen each other in nearly two months, though you've talked frequently. You wring your hands nervously. "What are you getting so worked up about?" your friend asks you - she'd come along to help keep you company. "I dunno... We hadn't been together all that long before he left and now that we haven't seen each other in so long... I dunno. I just don't want things to be weird," you admit, replaying the last couple months in your head, trying to predict how things will go once you finally lay eyes on each other again. Your heart begins to race in the best way possible as a crowd of people begins making its way through the gates. Your breath hitches when Liam catches your eye. He makes a straight path towards you, immediately scooping you into his arms and holding you close. "I've really missed you," he tells you before taking your lips in his own. You smile into the kiss, happy to have confirmed that nothing at all has changed. Except that maybe the time apart has only brought you closer.

NIALL: You come into the house, arms full of groceries that you promptly dump onto the counter. You turn towards the living room to drop your purse when you see Niall standing there in front of a sheet laid out on the floor, complete with a picnic lunch arranged on the sheet. "Niall!!" you shout excitedly, jumping into his arms and giving little kisses to his face. "What are you doing here?" you ask, glancing at the clock. "I'm not supposed to come pick you up for another couple hours." "I caught an early flight back. When I saw you were out, I thought I'd surprise you with a lunch date." He smiles proudly, gesturing towards his work. You grin happily and lean further into his embrace, placing your head on his shoulder, just happy to have him back in your arms once more after so much time. He wraps his arms more tightly around your torso and places a kiss to the top of your head, leaving his face buried in your hair, breathing you in again for the first time in months.

LOUIS: "There are my three favorite girls!!" Louis exclaims happily as he enters the front door, dropping his bags to the floor next to his feet as soon as he's in the house. He opens his arms up wide and bends over just enough for Lea to run into his waiting embrace. He scoops up your daughter and gives her a giant bear hug before balancing her in one arm and opening up the other to you to join in the group hug. He kisses you lovingly, whispering, "I've missed you so much, baby," which you barely hear over Mia's elated barking over seeing Louis again. She runs and jumps around your legs until Louis finally breaks away from you long enough to scratch her ears and give her some attention too. In response, she promptly licks his hand. "Daddy, we bought stuff for sundaes at the store today!" Lea announces proudly. "Well then let's go have some ice cream, yeah?" he asks, sending Lea into a fit of cheers and he puts her down so she can lead the way running into the kitchen. Mia bounds after her, and Louis turns to you. He brushes a gentle hand against your cheek and looks into your eyes before saying, "It's so good to be home." You smile and nod in agreement. "It's good to have you home." He wraps his arm across your shoulder and you snake yours around his waist as you follow your crew into the kitchen for that snack.

HARRY: Even from the distance you're at, you can tell Harry is exhausted. His face looks sunken and not as bright as it did when you'd last seen him before tour. His voice had been sounding more tired than usual as well. But, despite it all, he'd already been talking for the last week about how excited he is for the next tour to start because he'd had so much fun on this one. His weary eyes scan the airport as he makes his way through the crowds until he's close enough to see you. "[Y/N]!!" he yells, thrilled and suddenly much more awake when he finally sees you again. You jog the couple of steps forward to get to him and pull him into your arms. He places a plassionate kiss to your lips and when he pulls away, you notice that all signs of lethargy are already gone. The life is back in his eyes and the adrenaline has kicked in enough to perk him back to his usual state. "It's so good to have you here again, Harry," you tell him, brushing your hand through his curly locks. He just smiles and kisses you again to show how glad he is to be back.

ZAYN: "So how many tattoos did you get this time?" you greet with a knowing smirk. "Ha, funny. Nice to see you too," Zayn deadpans as he drops his bags on the living room floor before joining you on the couch. " many?" you press. "Two," he answers simply. You just nod and suck on your teeth, making an annoying sound that you know he hates. "You're lucky I love you so much," you finaly state after several moments of silence. Zayn laughs before pulling you against his side and capturing you in his arms. You lay your head against his chest and he runs his fingers through your hair, letting a few strands twist around them. You hum contentedly. "This is nice. I've really missed you," you say quietly. "I missed you too, baby," he agrees, tightening his grip around your body.

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