Zayn - missing you on tour

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Your sitting at home watching TV when you get a call from one of your best friends Niall Horan.

"Hey Nialler what's up?"

"Hey Riana not much but I was wondering is there anyway you could join us on tour for a little while?"


"Because Zayn misses you so much your all he ever talks about, he won't eat much and just isn't himself."

"I guess I could but it might take a while since I don't have a plane ticket."

"Don't worry about that love I've already sent one to you it should be in the mail later today. Your flight leaves tomorrow at 8 in the morning."

"All right Niall I'll see you then tomorrow, wait who all knows I'm coming?"

"Everyone but Zayn you have no idea how are it is to keep this from him."

"Okay well I'll talk to you later then see ya Niall."

"Bye love."

After you hang up the phone you walk upstairs to your and Zayn's room to begin packing. After about 2 hours your finally finished and take a look at the clock 4:30. Wow you had been packing for a while the mail should have gone by now so you run downstairs to check the mail box and sure enough a single flight ticket was in the mail box for you. Walking into the flat you decided to pop a pizza in the oven for dinner so you wouldn't have a bunch to do before tomorrow. While the pizza baked you called a friend and asked her to keep an eye on the flat for you and she willingly agreed. After you finished your dinner you headed upstairs to get a shower, humming to yourself you think of your boyfriend Zayn. You hadn't seen him in 2 months and you missed him so much and you were so excited to see him tomorrow. Once finishing your shower you pull on a pair of panties and one of Zayn's t-shirts before crawling into bed and falling asleep, you had a busy day tomorrow.

*The Next Morning.*

You wake up at 6:30 so you'll have enough time to make it to the airport, gathering everything together you call a cab to take you to the airport. After arriving at the airport an going threw security your on the plane on your way to America where the boys are on tour. Getting comfortable you soon feel yourself getting drowsy and your eyes close as you catch up on your sleep.

*Shake shake*

"Excuse me miss but the flight has landed."

Jolting awake you look around to see that you had indeed landed, blushing a deep red you grab your carry on.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sleep that long."

"It's all right thank you for flying with us today."

Nodding your head you exit the airplane and walk down the terminal, grabbing your bags you step outside and immediately see Paul.



"It's so good to see you how you been?"

"I've been good how bout you?"

"Good I just miss the boys especially Zayn."

"Well I can tell you he misses you too let's go they're actually at a concert right now."

Quickly you both climb into a black van and head off before any fans see you heading towards the concert. Pulling up at a back entrance you head to the stage and run into the other boys girlfriends.

All of the girls pull you into a hug before walking you over to the stage, as you walk out you put a finger to your mouth so the fans know to keep quiet. As you get them to quiet down you stand right behind Zayn and tap his shoulders glancing behind him his eyes widen when he see's you.

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