You suprise him on tour with the kids

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Harry: Louis had called you the before saying how much Harry missed you and the kids, especially since his birthday was coming up. Wanting to surprise him, you and Louis set up a plan. Louis picked the three of you up from the airport and Darcy and Chase ran into their "uncle's" arms. "Hey kiddos!" he said, happy to see them. Louis drove you to the arena where the concert was going to be held later that night. During the concert, Zayn said that the boys had all pitched in for a birthday cake for Harry. Louis gave you and the kids a thumbs up, that was your cue to go onstage. The three of you all carried the cake out to Harry. The crowd erupted in cheers when they got sight of you. "OH MY GOSH!" Harry shouted, running towards you and the kids. Darcy and Chase ran into his arms, leaving you to hold the fairly heavy cake. Liam and Niall took the cake from you when Harry picked you up and spun you around. "This is the best birthday ever!" your husband shouted after the crowd sang "Happy Birthday."

Liam: Taking care of the twins, Logan and Mason, and Taylor all by yourself was getting to be quite a handful. You and the kids flew out to surprise Liam since you have had enough and needed help. Paul led you to Liam's dressing room and the kids barged in screaming, "DADDY!!!!!!" Liam jumped, causing you to giggle at his reaction. "Hey guys! What are you doing here?" he asked them, bending down to their level. "Mommy brought us!" Logan exclaimed. "Yeah! She said that we were driving her crazy!" Mason added. You blushed and Liam laughed, "Well, you probably were!" "Can we go get ice cream?" Taylor asked, tugging on Liam's sleeve. "Of course! Let's go!" Liam said. The kids all raced each other to the door, while Liam kissed you and said, "I'm so glad you came to visit. I missed you guys so much."

Louis: "I WANT DADDY!!!!!" your son, Tommy, yelled standing on the chair, waking up Alice. "Tommy! Sit down! You woke up your sister," you said. You ran upstairs and tried to comfort baby Alice, who was wailing from the sudden outburst of your son. "Mommy?" Tommy said, coming into the room. "What bud?" "Can we go visit Daddy? I miss him a lot," he said, starting to tear up. When you finally got Alice to stop crying, you scooped up Tommy in your arms. "Do you really want to go visit Daddy?" you asked, making sure you heard him correctly. Tommy shook his head. "Okay. Let me go make a phone call!" You called Harry, knowing that he would have a good idea for you and the kids to surprise your husband on tour. During the Twitter questions, Harry sent in one of his own. It said: "Louis, how's the family?" Louis, not knowing that Harry had sent the tweet, answered, "As far as I know, they are doing well. I miss them an awful lot, though." That's when Tommy ran onto the stage and jumped on his father. "Tommy? What in the world are you doing here?" he said, surprised. You walked out holding Alice and gave Louis a big kiss. The crowd went wild and you pulled off the surprise perfectly.

Niall: You and your kids, Brielle and Liam, were already in town where Niall was touring, but you were surprising him. Both of the kids were hungry so naturally you took them to Nando's. There was one thing that you missed-- Niall was there for lunch. As soon as the three of you were seated at your table, Brielle shouted, "Daddy's here!" and ran over you blonde haired husband. Liam wasn't far behind. "Whoa! Where did you guys come from?" he asked, completely confused, but happy to see them. "Mommy brought us here for lunch!" Liam exclaimed. "She did? Where is she?" Liam and Brielle both pointed to you and you came over and planted a kiss on your husband's head. "Hi hun!" you said, sitting down at the table across from Niall. "Hey! When did you guys get here?" he asked, still confused. "We just got here. We were originally going to surprise, but the kids were starving, as usual," you explained laughing. "Well, I'm glad you're here and you definitely surprised me!" Niall said and the four of you enjoyed a delicious lunch together.

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Zayn: The twins' birthday was coming, but, unfortunately, your husband was on tour and was unable to celebrate their birthday with them. Luckily, you had a plan, which you coordinated with Paul. You, Trevor, and Mollie all went to the hotel that Zayn and the boys were staying at. Paul informed you that the boys were at sound check, but they would be matter in a matter of hours. You and the twins stayed in Zayn's hotel until he came back. Without thinking, you had given Trevor and Mollie pixie sticks and they were full of energy. They were jumping on the bed and the couch, giving you a headache. Within minutes, both of them were fast asleep. You heard your husband's voice outside the hotel room. You opened the door and surprised him. "(Y/N)! Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?" You shushed him and motioned towards your sleeping children. He went over to each of them a placed a soft kiss on top of their heads. "This is the best surprise in the world!" he said, smiling at you, "I have the best family in the world. I love you, (Y/N)."

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