Baby shopping

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Harry: "So... these... and these... and oh my god, these...," Harry giggled like a child as he threw numerous pink-colored items into your shopping buggy. "Harry!" You chided, one hand resting on your baby bump, "You are going to go broke!" Harry gave you a look as if to say, 'Um, really?' And you chuckled quietly and peered into the buggy. "Harry, she won't even fit into some of this stuff for years..." "So?" Harry stopped combing through a onesie rack and came over to you, kissing your lips. "Do you want to switch to shopping for momma?"

Niall: "What about this one, [Y/N]?" Niall held up a little blue onesie, with a bright red soccer ball and a pair of cleats. It had 'Daddy's Little Kicker' embroidered on it. You covered your mouth with a little smile and nodded vigorously, "It's perfect." Niall put it in the cart and looked at you, "Are you crying, [Y/N]?" You shook your head no, before giving in and nodding. Niall came over to you, grabbing your hands and kissing your cheek, "Happy tears?" You nodded again with a smile, "Happy tears."

Zayn: "Okay," Zayn walked with the consultant through your flat as you propped your feet up on the ottoman, "We're going to need this place baby proofed, top to bottom. Whatever you got, do it." The consultant nodded, dollar signs ringing in his eyes. "Zayn," you playfully whined as he made his way over to you, "You're spending a fortune baby proofing this place." "So?" Zayn looked at you incredulously, "It's worth it."

Louis: "Lou!" You stood in the kitchen, one hand on your hip as Louis walked in the door, holding more baby shopping bags. "This child has more shoes than me and you combined, and it's still in the womb!" You threw your hands up in exasperation as Louis pulled out a pair of baby Toms. "C'mon, [Y/N]," he coaxed, moving up behind you to hug you softly, "Baby Toms. It's just ridiculous how cute these are."

Liam: "Oh god, oh god, oh god," Liam started running around, trying to find his keys, "We're going to need bottles, and formula, and, and, and a crib! And clothes, and..." "Liam!" You cut him off with a giggle, "We found out we were pregnant like, thirty seconds ago. The next thing I'm going to need is some Advil and probably take-out. Ok?" Liam moved over to you slowly, grabbing your hands and kissing you softly, "I'm just so happy."

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