You get swamped with your son

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LIAM: You're a little anxious about taking your baby out by yourself for the first time. You're doubting if you'll be able to manage trying to juggle her, all her stuff, and the grocery shopping all at once. Putting the car into park, you take a deep, calming breath as you get out and start pulling your daughter and her diaper bag out of the car. Before you even have the chance to turn around and place your baby's carseat in the grocery cart, fans surround you ooh'ing and aah'ing over your little one. Having already been nervous about this trip, you're uncomfortable with all the people around your daughter. You get out of the situation as soon as you can and just go straight home. A few days later, Liam comes across some of the fan pictures online. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" he asks. "Because I knew you'd never let us out of the house alone again without a body guard," you joke. "Well, you got that right!" Liam says, and you can tell he's only half-kidding.

HARRY: You'd been out running some errands when Harry had texted you and told you to meet him for lunch. You're early, so you're perched against the wall waiting for him to get there. Your little boy starts getting fussy, so you pull him out of his carrier to cuddle and calm him. A group of girls entering the restuarant look a you a bit funny before realizing who you are and coming up to talk to you and see your son. This only causes him to fuss more, but the girls don't let up, despite you kindly asking them to. Harry pulls up just then and bounds across the parking lot towards you and the mini mob. He greets the fans pleasantly as he picks up your son's carrier and places his arm across your shoulders. "Thank you for stopping to chat, ladies, but I think it's time my wife and I get this little guy something to eat. He's a fussy little bugger," he says coolly, guiding you into the restaurant before he takes the baby from your arms while you dig a bottle out of the diaper bag.

ZAYN: You and Zayn are both a bit annoyed that so many paparazzi are swarming you while you're trying to enjoy some family time at the park. You'd both be ok with it if they'd just stay back a bit instead of practically joining your picnic. Zayn gets up and approaches a few of them to politely ask them to just back it up a bit. In the few moments you're alone, one of the other paparazzi takes it upon himself to completely overstep boundaries and try to pull the blanket away from your sleeping son's face. "What do you think you're doing?!" you exclaim angrily, bringing Zayn's attention to you and the scene. "HEY! Get away from my kid!" Zayn shouts, darting over to you and your son. The guy leaves immediately upon hearing Zayn's threatening tone. "You alright, love?" Zayn asks you, dropping to his knees to scoop his son up into his arms protectively. You nod. "Yeah, fine, but I think it's time we go home." "I couldn't agree more."

LOUIS: You're out for your daily jog one morning, baby buggee in tow, with your sleeping daugher enjoying her ride. Some paparazzi spot you and waste no time in getting pictures as you run. At first you're ok with it, until they start getting underfoot in trying to get closeups of your baby. You try to cover her and hide her from the gawkers as best you can until you're able to get away from them. You get a call from Louis one afternoon a few days later while your feeding your daughter her bottle. "Is everything alright over there?" he asks you after the typical "hi, how are you" greetings are said and done. "Yeah, why do you ask?" "I just saw some pictures of you from the other morning. Looks like you had to fight off some paps," he mentions, scrolling through a few more of the pictures of you trying to cover your own face as well as your daughter's. "It was fine," you assure. "I'll just have to find a different route to take until you get home from tour and can watch her while I run." Louis chuckles. "Just take care of yourself while I'm gone, ok? I don't want anything happening to my two favorite girls."

NIALL: Niall had returned home late from the studio, so you'd agreed to get take out for dinner. You offer to go with Niall to go pick up the food, knowing that being in the car always puts your son to sleep, and since it's about his bedtime it would be the perfect opportunity. Niall goes into the restuarant to grab the food while you stay in the car with your snoozing babe. There are taps on your window that cause him to stir. You look to find some giddy fans trying to get your attention. You roll down the window a bit and they scream in excitement. "Shh," you coax, pointing to your son in the backseat where he's still asleep for the time being. The girls manage to calm down until Niall comes out, at which point the shrieks arise once more, this time succeeding in waking up your baby who promptly bursts into tears. Niall winces. "Girls, girls, let's go over here, we seem to be upsetting my son..." He leads them away a few feet and talks to the girls for a few minutes while you soothe your son before excusing himself from the group to get you both home.

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